TokenOperator - Dependency-free helper most commonly used for making clean keyword APIs to Phoenix context functions

I think this is a really nice pattern, and might use it (in other contexts than building queries).

I am just a little worried that we do not really have an API here that is easy to document and use. The same goes for TokenOperator actually, as I can add any keyword atoms (as you said, use the words that make sense for your app). This means that we then must rely on conventions (otherwise one dev can use :preload and another dev can use :include for preloading). I’m not sure this is a necessarily a bad thing; I guess it is as it can lead to bugs easier. With an Ecto wrapper like QueryBuilder, there is no need to document all the keywords for every function or rely on agreed conventions between devs, because they are always the same limited set of keyword atoms. Of course it’s limited to building Ecto queries.

In this specific example quoted above, all these function names contain the word “project”; so in this case it’s easy to find the functions “compatible” for list_projects/1; we do not even need to rely on conventions or heavy documentation here as the query function names are self explanatory. Actually would be nice to think about other contexts/examples than query building because we have only one context we base our discussion on :smiley:

In any case I prefer convention on function names shown in your alternative method than the keywords that need to be agreed on and documented in TokenOperator.

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I can see how documenting and ensuring consistency might be more difficult with this alternate method. For TokenOperator, in practice, I would always lock down the API with wrapper functions as noted at

Thus, you end up only using maybe_filter, maybe_include, maybe_order_by, etc. and those only respond to the pre-defined atoms of :filter, :include, :order_by, etc.

You can interact with TokenOperator directly, but I would usually suggest writing a simple wrapper around it. It is pretty low-level; so much so that it’s a little hard to explain without writing a higher-level abstraction on top of it as an example. Things like QueryBuilder don’t suffer from that as it is immediately obvious how to use it.

I don’t have a great answer for locking down / documenting the API for this alternate method. Maybe what @chrisjowen mentioned of putting them in a XXX.Queries module helps. It hasn’t been a problem for me yet. I break my contexts into sub-contexts (ex. MyApp.Calendar.Reservations), so they are usually not so large that I need to split them up further.


@mathieuprog - I was thinking of a couple more goals for TokenOperator that I missed…

  • Be decoupled from the database - I’d like to avoid leaking the implementation details of “how” to get the data within functions called in the controller. I think that TokenOperator mostly allows for this using words like “include”. However, in my “alternate method” examples it is questionable since I’m using both the words “preload” and “join”. Perhaps the controller shouldn’t care about such things since this could be grabbing data from an external API, flat file, etc.
  • Avoid referencing actual tables and columns in the functions - Making a change to my database should ideally not require a change at the call site within a controller.

Whether you use the term “include” and behind the scenes use Ecto’s preload, or you simply adopt the term “preload” from Ecto doesn’t make a difference. And ofc preloading/including - no matter how you want to call it - applies to whatever data source you use, so there’s no leak here to me.

Regarding “join”, your example showing a usage of “join” is the following:

Maybe you should then write a more specific version of the function that preloads, to one that preloads a profile for a user:

# preloading profiles for a user
def preload_user_profile(query) do
  from u in query, join: p in (u, :profile), preload: [profile: p]

# preloading profiles for other entities if needed
def preload_profile(query) do
  from q in query, preload: [:profile]

The controller doesn’t have to know about joining (which is specific to databases) anymore; up to the context. If you change your data source, preload_user_profile can simply delegate to the more general preload_profile function if there’s no difference.

I don’t see table and column names; I see struct names and fields, and those are rightly used everywhere, from the models to the plugs to the templates. Let me know if I missed something.

Yep, no problem with the words “include” or “preload”. Moreso that “join” is used and that there needs to be some way to designate whether you want to join or not. I like where you’re going with the concept of using more generalized terms like “preload_user_profile” and “preload_profile”.

I don’t see them directly referenced in TokenOperator or the alternate method, which was the goal.

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I’ve continued to use the more explicit version passing function references in the controller.

# controller

One of the things I miss from token_operator are the configurable query defaults. I’m experimenting with using defaults in an explicit way. Here is an example for displaying only unarchived users by default:

# controller
# context
def filter_unarchived_users(query) do
  from u in query, where: is_nil(u.archived_at)

def filter_archived_users(query) do
  |> exclude(:where)
  |> where([u], not is_nil(u.archived_at))

def list_users(opts \\ []) do
  |> filter_unarchived_users()
  |> Repo.all()

To override the default at the call site, a query that resets where can be passed to the function.

# controller

The requirement here would be that the function that resets the default needs to come before any functions that use where. I don’t think that is too much to ask, but is one additional thing to remember.

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Hello David :wave:
I was wondering if you had any experience using Absinthe and GraphQL.

In Absinthe, when you request some entities, like articles, you can specify arguments. Server-side you implement a resolver to fetch the articles, and the arguments are passed as a map to the resolver, such as:

%{filter: %{"tag" => "Elixir", "category" => "Programming"}}

This map is then typically passed to the context function. This is an example of a context function written from the book:

def list_items(args) do
  |> Enum.reduce(Item, fn
    {:order, order}, query ->
      query |> order_by({^order, :name})
    {:filter, filter}, query ->
      query |> filter_with(filter)
  |> Repo.all

defp filter_with(query, filter) do
  Enum.reduce(filter, query, fn
    {:name, name}, query ->
      from q in query, where: ilike(, ^"%#{name}%")
    {:priced_above, price}, query ->
      from q in query, where: q.price >= ^price
    {:priced_below, price}, query ->
      from q in query, where: q.price <= ^price
    {:category, category_name}, query ->
      from q in query,
           join: c in assoc(q, :category),
           where: ilike(, ^"%#{category_name}%")
    {:tag, tag_name}, query ->
      from q in query,
           join: t in assoc(q, :tags),
           where: ilike(, ^"%#{tag_name}%")

TokenOperator, the method by passing a list of context functions that you showed, and QueryBuilder have their own idea of building the API for context functions, to pass all the different options.

So somewhere, there needs to be a transformation of such a bag of data (the arguments in a map), to the options for the context functions. I am not sure how to proceed with Absinthe yet.

Then there’s the idea of just going the Absinthe way, if adding such a layer seems overhead, but I am not sure that the API as shown above is very flexible. For example, :name is case sensitive or case insensitive? What if I need a :priced_above_or_equal and all the other possible operators, :category is by category name, id, or other attribute?
It relies heavily on documentation.

Hi Mathieu:
I don’t have any experience with Absinthe, but do recall this post from @1player noting a very similar pattern.

It sounds like you’re mostly getting at a common pattern to transform from the context world to the Absinthe world. Could you use a convention of to_absinthe(params) or something?

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By the way, I’ve continued with the method of passing context functions, but have moved to about as explicit method as you can get. Previously, I was passing a list of public functions that will later be run in succession as if they were piped like so…

# controller

    &Accounts.filter_users_by_company(&1, company),

# context

def list_users(queries \\ []) do
  |> Repo.all()

# QueryRunner utility

defmodule Utilities.QueryRunner do
  def run(query, additional_queries) when is_list(additional_queries) do
    Enum.reduce(additional_queries, query, fn additional_query, query ->

  def run(query, additional_query) do
    run(query, [additional_query])

However, since all we really want to do is inject into the context query and run as piped, why not just pass an anonymous function that is piped in the first place?

# controller

    |> Accounts.filter_non_executive_users()
    |> Accounts.filter_users_by_company(company)
    |> Accounts.order_users_by_first_name())

# context

def list_users(queries \\ &(&1)) do
  |> queries.()
  |> Repo.all()

This requires no additional code and is more obvious to me anyway. Using fn over capture is arguably more readable, but that just comes down to preference.

# controller

Accounts.list_users(fn query ->
  |> Accounts.join_user_profile()
  |> Accounts.filter_non_executive_users()
  |> Accounts.filter_users_by_company(company)
  |> Accounts.order_users_by_first_name()
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Isn’t it the case that it can matter where the closure pipeline is “plumbed” when the internal implementation of the streaming is lazy vs immediate and or if the execution of pulls from the stream through the pipeline occurs all on the same processor vs on federated processors?

If so, it matters whether you are specifying the query stages for delegation to a query handler or if you are declaring what processing needs to be implemented and executed at the time of execution of the controller function.

Perhaps where and how the query is specified and executed depends on where query optimization occurs and on how any result set is to be iterated.

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Hi @lonniev. Welcome to Elixir Forum!

I think there is a good chance I’m not understanding what you are after here, but will just note that I use this pattern with these naming conventions primarily in the construction of single, run-of-the-mill Ecto queries. Typically for list_* (e.g. list_users) and get_*!/get_* (e.g. get_user!) functions, which exist for the majority of the entities in my app (for better or worse). I like the explicitness and maintainability at the callsite even with the verbosity.

For anything more fancy than that, there is a good chance I’ll use a dedicated, obviously named function (e.g. search_*, fetch_*, etc.) or a dedicated cross-context service/use-case module.

At any rate, this is really only a convention of passing a function as an argument to a context function. What you do with that argument inside the function in terms of handling side effects, separate processes, background work, etc. is up to you. The concept of passing a function as an argument may or may not be useful for you. Sorry if I’m completely missing your point here and I would certainly love to know if you think my typical use case here will cause issues for me.

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