TokenOperator - Dependency-free helper most commonly used for making clean keyword APIs to Phoenix context functions

I just released the first version of TokenOperator - A dependency-free helper most commonly used for making clean keyword APIs to Phoenix context functions.

I would love feedback/questions on the pattern, the code, issues, better ways to accomplish, etc. This is my first Elixir package so there are probably issues. Thanks!

Here is a quick intro from the documentation:

One thing I’ve struggled with dealing with Phoenix contexts is knowing how to specify the queries to make from the controller. For example, say we want to see a list of blog posts. Sometimes we want that list paginated, sometimes only published, sometimes authors, sometimes with content, sometimes ordered by published date, etc.

We can always just create a bunch of functions on the context for every single variation. Here is an extremely contrived example for illustration:

Posts.list_published_posts_with_author_ordered_by_published_date_paginated(page: 7)

It would be nice to have a simple way to have an API with preset defaults similar to the following:

  filter: [:featured, :published],
  include: :author,
  paginate: true,
  page: 7,
  order_by: :publish_date

TokenOperator makes it easy to develop a keyword-based API such as this, using the keywords that make sense for your application. The most obvious use case relates to operating on an Ecto query, but it can operate on any token and has no dependencies.


Now that makes me wonder how developers usually address these cases without a library.

I had the same question and just didn’t find a lot out there. There was this blog post, but I feel like it couples Ecto to the controller a bit…

There is a short thread on the topic in this forum… Phoenix Contexts - is it common to preload all resources on the context methods with whatever everything needs access to?

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What this library does is near identical to what I manually do in most of my projects

It’s not hard at all to do manually, though this library does make the pattern more obvious.


Glad to know this is similar to a pattern you might already be using. To your point, the entire library/helper is only about 20 LOC and can pretty easily be done inline. The value to me is definitely more about documenting a consistent pattern, a clean external API, and not recreating the wheel (even if easily recreated) in every context.

I suspect a lot of experienced Phoenix devs already have some sort of helper they are using that serves the same type of purpose.


Documentation and Clarity is very important. ^.^

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Just curious about the naming. What is meant by token here?

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By token, I just mean a data structure that can be passed around and operated upon. Two common examples of tokens are an Ecto query and Plug.Conn. This post explains it much better than I can…

TokenOperator is actually pretty abstracted in that it doesn’t care what type of token you are passing around or what naming you use for the options. I chose an obvious use-case to explain how it can be used. I don’t think I did a particularly good job explaining what it is though.

I started out calling it MaybeQuery, dependent upon Ecto, and with hard-coded opinionated option names like filter, order_by, and preload. That would have been easier to explain, but less flexible. Instead, this allows you to configure your own API conventions and naming and use it beyond that example use case if one presents itself.


I should note that even with the controller/context use case that token structure might be an Ecto.Multi as opposed to an Ecto query.

Version 0.2.0 has been released. This release provides the ability to use functions with an arity of 1. Previously, it was required to reference a function with an arity of 2. This function will receive the token as the first argument and the opts with the second argument. For many usage scenarios, these options are unused, so this requirement has been removed.

Previously, you might have configured a function to filter published articles with the following:

def list_posts(opts \\ []) do
  |> TokenOperator.maybe(opts, :filter, published: &published/2)
  |> Repo.all()

defp published(query, _) do
  from(p in query, where: p.is_published)

That can be simplified to:

def list_posts(opts \\ []) do
  |> TokenOperator.maybe(opts, :filter, published: &published/1)
  |> Repo.all()

defp published(query) do
  from(p in query, where: p.is_published)

It’s a small change but these functions (e.g. published) probably already existed in your context without a second argument. They should be able to stay that way rather than having arguments dictated by this package unless needed for the use case.

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This plugin is working just fine for me, but I still can’t kick the nagging feeling that there might be a simpler, better way that is more maintainable and obvious.

One thing that can be done is to expose some of these queries in the context to the controller like @josevalim mentions at Phoenix Contexts - is it common to preload all resources on the context methods with whatever everything needs access to?

For example, say you have users with profiles that you want to “preload”, but not “join”. This is going to result in two queries no matter what.

In the controller, you can do something like…

user = Accounts.get_user!(id)
user_with_profile = user |> Accounts.preload_profile()

However, if you want to join or run a query prior to get_user! having hit the database, I don’t think that is going to work.

Maybe something like this could provide for flexible querying, but with more transparency and easier maintainability than the pattern that this plugin results in…

def get_user!(id, queries \\ []) do
  |> (fn query -> Enum.reduce(queries, query, & &1.(&2)) end).()
  |> Repo.get!(id)

def join_profile(query) do
  from u in query, join: p in (u, :profile), preload: [profile: p]

Now in the controller, you are free to reference queries exposed from the context, but without being coupled to ecto.

user = Accounts.get_user!(id, [&Accounts.join_profile/1])

Filtering and passing additional arguments is also fine like in this contrived example in a Blog context:

def list_posts(queries \\ []) do
  |> (fn query -> Enum.reduce(queries, query, & &1.(&2)) end).()
  |> Repo.get!(id)

def published_posts(query) do
  from p in query, where: p.is_published

def order_posts_by(query, attr_name) do
  from query, order_by: ^attr_name

Those functions can be referenced in the controller via list:

posts = Blog.list_posts([
  &Blog.order_posts_by(&1, :title)

The thing I like about this is that it is easy to see and track down the context functions that are being used in the controller, which might make maintainability easier.

I don’t like how much larger the context api becomes and it doesn’t look as clean in the controller, but I’m not sure I’d prioritize that over the transparency and easier reasoning about direct references to queries.

I guess I think of TokenOperator providing the ability to setup an API that is similar to the sort of thing you would use when hitting an external API. However, maybe that is needlessly abstracting away from just exposing a few more queries from the context and referencing them directly in the controller.

@OvermindDL1 - I’d love to hear your thoughts if any of this strikes you as a useful (or abhorrent) pattern. Perhaps this is just a nuanced enough thing that there is no right answer though.

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How do I know from that API that list_posts returns structs, but that published_posts returns a query?
I think there should be at least a convention on naming for such context functions, like prefixing query_ for functions that return queries; or the convention that any function different than the generic list_things, get_thing, etc. return queries; is it the latter you had in mind (and thus the pattern then forces the developer to start with a generic function such as list_things, get_thing, etc. in the controller, which he can further customize with the other available functions) ?

Great point. In my usage so far, I’ve been using the same types of terms as had become solidified with my usage of TokenOperator: order_by, filter, and include (though not in my post above). So all of my “queries” are named like “filter_published_posts”, “filter_featured_posts”, “order_by_last_name”, etc. Since I’m thinking about being slightly more explicit, I’m thinking that rather than using “include”, I will use “join” and “preload”. Thus, I’d end up with function names like “join_user_profile” and “preload_post_images”.

It is pretty clear to me by that naming which are queries and which return structs, but perhaps appending something like “_query” would be better.

Or just have queries in a XXX.Queries module


I’ve now moved one project fully to this alternate style and it feels pretty good thus far. It is certainly more verbose in the controller, but very easy to see what is going on.

In the controller…

featured_projects =

As opposed to how it is using TokenOperator…

featured_projects =
  ProjectMgmt.list_projects(include: [:photos, :categories], filter: [:featured, :published])

Clearly it is much cleaner in the controller with TokenOperator. Additionally, the concept of “defaults” is built in. Thus, I would have pre-configured list_projects to sort by name as an overridable default.

This alternative route loses the built in defaults, so order_projects_by_name is passed explicitly, but I don’t think that’s so bad. And there is no question of what order these queries will be run.

For more complex queries involving scoping based upon user permissions, I think this alternate method is easier to follow. Suppose I want to scope the rooms that a user can reserve. I was using the following with TokenOperator in the controller…

  scope: {user, :reserve}

That eventually calls a scope function within my context, but there are some gymnastics involved where it isn’t immediately obvious how it gets there.

This alternate method is more obvious in the controller…

  &Calendar.scope_rooms(&1, user, :reserve))

In practice, I’m hiding that ugly bit of code to run those queries off in a utility:

defmodule Utilities.QueryRunner do
  def run(query, additional_queries) when is_list(additional_queries) do
    Enum.reduce(additional_queries, query, fn additional_query, query ->

  def run(query, additional_query) do
    run(query, [additional_query])

This is then referenced within the context:

alias Utilities.QueryRunner

def list_projects(queries \\ []) do
  |> Repo.all()

As of now I’m leaning toward this simplified method, but both have their advantages.


I think you’ve seen that I built a library inspired by TokenOperator a few weeks ago.

In my projects, I would write the above in just a few lines, like below, without having to write any queries. The code you show in the controller, including those 5 query functions, is a lot of functions and lines of code. I guess these functions are small and pure, but every time you want to add an order, another preload, etc. you have to write such function, which might get tedious.

  order_by: :name,
  where: [featured: true, published: true],
  preload: [:photos, :categories],

Do you see disadvantages doing that? The preload function also knows if it’s better to join the association (one-to-one cardinality) or execute a separate query (one-to-many and many-to-many cardinality).

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I see an advantage in this: A list of closures can just be applied as is, but there’s no way to control what those functions do. While with a keyword list of atoms ProjectMgmt.list_projects is in control which functionality it supports and which it doesn’t.

Say there are two functions concerning the same schema and a helper to preload a certain association, but the helper should only be allowed to be applied to one of those two functions. With the closures there isn’t that level of control.


Is the library published on github?

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@mathieuprog I think using something like QueryBuilder is a valid way to do it and that does some cool stuff in figuring out whether to preload/join, query associated columns, etc. It is just a different take on it.

I originally started down the path of something similar, but ended up with the more abstract TokenOperator (and now tossing around the idea of an alternative method without a package at all) with the following goals:

  1. No dependency on an ORM. Unopinionated about whether this is a query or multi or whatever token.
  2. Unopinionated about the language used for interacting with a context (e.g. include, preload, join, paginate, etc.). Use the words that make sense for your app.
  3. Consistency of usage. Do the same thing for the least AND most complex queries. Write them out in the context and then reference them via atoms in the controller. No matter how powerful QueryBuilder (or any opinionated Ecto wrapper) becomes, there are still going to be times when you need to do something more complex than its API supports. You can keep adding features, but at some point it might become so big and complex that it might be easier to just write the queries in the context since Ecto has a great API already. While verbose, they are generally easy to write and I often need those queries anyway for operations within the context.
  4. Flexibility - Ability to not have to need a list_posts and list_published_posts and list_published_featured_posts for every little tweak to a query. This is probably the core thing that TokenOperator, QueryBuilder, and this alternate method all do so it barely needs mentioning here.
  5. Transparency - Easy to see (and change) the queries that are being run. The alternate method I’m talking about here uses direct references to context functions, which doesn’t get any more obvious or transparent. TokenOperator uses atoms and still makes it easy to get at the functions, but with a layer of abstraction that makes it slightly less so. As @LostKobrakai mentioned, passing atoms like in TokenOperator and QueryBuilder allows the context to dictate what queries are made. That has been useful but, in practice, has provided me less value and transparency than I thought it might, which is why I brought up this alternate method.
  6. Also probably goes without saying, but all of these methods are trying to avoid directly interacting with Ecto, which is what contexts are pushing us to do.

As an aside, I considered writing an opinionated Ecto “adapter” for TokenOperator as an example of how to use it. It is made to be the core of higher-level abstractions like QueryBuilder.

Anyway, this is a nuanced thing and I’m trying to tease out some of the differences between the approaches, but I think they are all useful. I’m clearly still undecided on how I want to do it so I appreciate things like QueryBuilder being around as an option.