Getting Started and Introduction to Mix are definitely worth your time.
Hexdocs quality depends on the package providers - and as valuable and high quality the hexdocs for Phoenix and Ecto are, I feel that going through Programming Phoenix 1.4 and Programming Ecto first helps you to get more out the hexdocs (and makes them easier to understand).
Elixir in Action 2e is an excellent guide to learning how to develop Elixir applications (the Elixir/BEAM way). That being said some people may benefit from some additional help from Learn Functional Programming in Elixir to get more used to the functional way of doing things.
Also, when is the second edition of EiA coming out? Some stores says September 30th but Amazon says November 6th.
You can get the eBook right now 35% off with your forum discount - code ‘elixirforum18’ at