Troubleshooting/benchmarking deleting vertex in large graph with libgraph

I’m trying to fix this issue raised for libgraph:

I think the problem is that the current delete vertex code loops over every entry in the collections of total edges, in edges, and out edges for every deletion. I thought that could be improved by looping over the total edges once and simply reducing into the new collections all at the same time. In my simple test of a million vertices each with 999_998 edges I found very minimal if any real difference in the time it takes to run the deletion compared to the current implementation. Can anyone figure out why my intuition about this problem is wrong? Or alternatively why my test is wrong?

current implementation:

  def delete_vertex(
        %__MODULE__{out_edges: oe, in_edges: ie, edges: em, vertex_identifier: vertex_identifier} =
      ) do
    vs = g.vertices
    ls = g.vertex_labels

    with v_id <- vertex_identifier.(v),
         true <- Map.has_key?(vs, v_id),
         oe <- Map.delete(oe, v_id),
         ie <- Map.delete(ie, v_id),
         vs <- Map.delete(vs, v_id),
         ls <- Map.delete(ls, v_id) do
      oe = for {id, ns} <- oe, do: {id, MapSet.delete(ns, v_id)}, into: %{}
      ie = for {id, ns} <- ie, do: {id, MapSet.delete(ns, v_id)}, into: %{}
      em = for {{id1, id2}, _} = e <- em, v_id != id1 && v_id != id2, do: e, into: %{}
      %__MODULE__{g | vertices: vs, vertex_labels: ls, out_edges: oe, in_edges: ie, edges: em}
      _ -> g

attempt to fix:

  def delete_vertex(
        %__MODULE__{vertices: vs, vertex_labels: ls, out_edges: oe, in_edges: ie, edges: em, vertex_identifier: vertex_identifier} =
      ) do
    with v_id <- vertex_identifier.(v),
         true <- Map.has_key?(vs, v_id),
         oe <- Map.delete(oe, v_id),
         ie <- Map.delete(ie, v_id),
         vs <- Map.delete(vs, v_id),
         ls <- Map.delete(ls, v_id) do
    {em, oe, ie} = 
        |> Enum.reduce({em, oe, ie}, fn 
                                     {{v_id, id2} = k, _}, {e, o, i} -> {Map.delete(e, k), o, Map.update!(i, id2, fn ns -> MapSet.delete(ns, v_id) end)}
                                     {{id1, v_id} = k, _}, {e, o, i} -> {Map.delete(e, k), Map.update!(o, id1, fn ns -> MapSet.delete(ns, v_id) end), i} 
                                      _, acc -> acc 

      %__MODULE__{g | vertices: vs, vertex_labels: ls, out_edges: oe, in_edges: ie, edges: em}
      _ -> g

simple test in iex:

g =
vs = 1..1_000_000 |> Enum.to_list()
vs |> Enum.each(fn i -> Graph.add_vertex(g, i) end)
vs |> |> Enum.each(fn {i,o} -> Graph.add_edge(g, i, o) end)
vs |> |> Enum.each(fn {i,o} -> Graph.add_edge(g, o, i) end) -> 1..1_000_000//7 |> Enum.each(fn i -> Graph.delete_vertex(g, i) end) end, :millisecond)

Test doesn’t seem quite right.

Maybe try something like

g =
  |> Graph.add_edges(, fn i-> {i, 1_000_000 - i} end)
  fn ->
    |> Graph.delete_vertex(
      |> Enum.random()

> {976, #Graph<type: directed, num_vertices: 999896, num_edges: 999998>}

Know that in most graphs implementations in general that performance will be affected depending on how many edges and potentially how connected a component is.

Libgraph is just maps and sets (which are maps also) so will perform at Erlang map implementation thresholds and :erlang.phash2/1.

Thanks. Will try that tonight. Actually, I’m not sure that test is going to be the best either. Introducing the Enum.random call during the timed portion could mean the result is unduly influenced by the random algorithm.

I know there’s no improving past a certain limit, but it still seems to me that iterating over 3 maps key by key versus reducing over a single map key by key should be significantly different with a large enough data set.