Tucan - a plotting library on top of VegaLite

I was also wondering if you guys can also add the rounded edges option in the bar graph? I would love to see that because I know vegalite has that too

And for the area graph as well for the fill_color

Can you show what I add as a git dependency?

{:tucan, git: "https://github.com/pnezis/tucan"}

you can read more about dependencies here:


I was also wondering if you guys can also add the rounded edges option in the bar graph? I would love to see that because I know vegalite has that too

Yes this can be added too, can you please use the github issue tracker for such requests?

:tada: v0.4.0 is out. It includes various new features and enhancements:

  • range_bar plots

  • First specialized plot added (candlestick)

  • Make your plots pannable/zoomable by passing zoomable: true

You can find the full CHANGELOG here