Turn this query into a preload

I have schema a Class has_many User through Enrollment. Currently I have a single enrollments join table, that holds additional data like processed_at parameter.

I am displaying to a user a list of his classes, and need to display his rank (in fact row_number) in each class, which is derived from processed_at parameter. i.e. something like “you are 5th in class Foo, and 7th in class Bar”.

In my live view I am grabbing the user and his enrollments separately:

current_user = Accounts.get_user_by_session_token(session["user_token"])
current_user_enrollments = Accounts.get_user_enrollments(current_user.id)

the first one is standard phoenix auth function, the second one is the more tricky one:

def get_user_enrollments(user_id) do
    enrollments_with_rank =
      from e in Enrollment,
      select: e,
      # this partitions e by class_id and assigns row_number within that partition
      select_merge: %{rank: over(row_number(), partition_by: e.class_id, order_by: e.processed_at)}

    user_enrollments =
      from ex in subquery(enrollments_with_rank),
      where: ex.user_id == ^user_id



I can’t seem to figure out a syntax that would allow me to do this within a preload. This is a function I tried to create:

def preload_ranked_enrollments(user) do
    enrollments_with_rank =
      from e in Enrollment,
      select: e,
      select_merge: %{rank: over(row_number(), partition_by: e.class_id, order_by: e.processed_at)} # assigns rank by processed_at

    |> Repo.preload(enrollments: enrollments_with_rank)
    |> Repo.preload(enrollments: [:class])

and then call it from liveview this way:

current_user = Accounts.get_user_by_session_token(session["user_token"])
    |> Accounts.preload_ranked_enrollments()

However, it seems like the query in preload_ranked_enrollments actually somehow applies where: e.user_id == ^(user.id) because it always returns all enrollments with rank 1. Meaning if I got enrollments with given class_id and user_id, it would always return just 1 row and obviously give it rank 1. Is this something that Repo.preload actually does? Does it somehow inject that additional where clause into the query?

Note: I use terms “rank” and “row_number” interchangeably here, even though in postgres these are two different things and I am aware of the difference. I initially used the term “rank” in my schema, but getting row_number (always unique) rather than rank from postgres. Will probably change this to avoid confusion in code in future.

Thank you.

yes, you can inspect this in logs.
Try to wrap enrollments_with_rank in preload_ranked_enrollments function into a subquery, as you did in your first example.

Thank you for the suggestion, it seems like that works:

def preload_ranked_enrollments(user) do
    enrollments_with_rank =
      from e in Enrollment,
        select: e,
        # assigns rank by processed_at
        select_merge: %{
          rank: over(row_number(), partition_by: e.class_id, order_by: e.processed_at)

    user_enrollments =
      from ex in subquery(enrollments_with_rank),
        where: ex.user_id == ^(user.id)

    |> Repo.preload(enrollments: user_enrollments)
    |> Repo.preload(enrollments: [:class])