tw_screen_size - A tiny, one-component package for LiveView x Tailwind to elevate your design iteration experience

I came across a really handy React component on Twitter the other day, and thought it made for a fun excuse to write a tiny LiveView package. :framed_picture:

GitHub - GitHub - tylerbarker/tw_screen_size: A tiny, one-component package for LiveView x Tailwind to elevate your design iteration experience 🖼️
Hex - tw_screen_size | Hex
HexDocs - TwScreenSize — tw_screen_size v0.1.0


Oh nice! At first I just thought this was showing the viewport res and I was like, “So?” then I saw the “MD” and I was like, “whoa!” This is indeed really handy, thanks!

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haha thanks mate! I had the same thought when I saw it on Twitter. It never really occurred to me how I’d been working virtually blind of the breakpoints until then :melting_face:


A little demo GIF for clarity:

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