I am wondering if this is correct, this should be a map of arbitrary size (could be 0, could be 1000) of integer keys.
@type quests() :: %{Integer => any()}
defmodule GameState do
@type obj() :: %{0=> Integer, optional(1)=> Integer, optional(2)=> Integer}
@type quest() :: %{id: Integer, step: Integer, obj: obj()}
@type quests() :: %{Integer => quest()}
@type gamestate() :: %{quests: quests()}
@spec get_quests(gamestate()) :: quests()
def get_quests(gs) do
:erlang.map_get(:quests, gs)
@spec act(gamestate()) :: any()
def act(gamestate) do
quests = get_quests(gamestate)
cur_quest_id = quests
|> Map.keys()
|> List.last()
cur_quest = Map.fetch!(quests, cur_quest_id)
cur_objs = Table.QuestStep.by_id_order(cur_quest.id, cur_quest.step)
done_objs = Enum.filter(cur_objs, fn{idx,obj}->
cur_quest.obj[idx].amount >= obj.amount
def go do
quest = %{id: 10010, step: 2, obj: %{0=> 14}}
quests = %{10010=> quest}
gamestate = %{quests: quests}
The idea here is to trigger a error from dialyzer here cur_quest.obj[idx].amount
that .amount is not a valid key for obj().
Instead I get this, but if I call this from the REPL it works just fine. The function call succeeds.
The function call will not succeed.
Table.QuestStep.by_id_order(Integer, Integer)
will never return since it differs in arguments with
positions 1st and 2nd from the success typing arguments:
(pos_integer(), 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9)
Can anyone advise please?