Unable to setup elixir on intelijj idea

Hi everyone, I am new to elixir and trying to setup up elixir on intelij idea. i have installed both plugins elixir and erlang in intelij idea. it shows installed but lang is not shows on lang&framework settings. I’m unable to setup. can you help me. Thanks

Not an IntelliJ Idea user myself, and you probably did already, but just to be extra sure, did you restart Idea after installing the plugins? Often that is necessary for the new plugins to take effect.

Is Elixir not one of the options or is the dropdown just empty? In order to populate the dropdown, you have to first expand Elixir to show the SDKs for both Elixir and Erlang.
Set your Erlang SDK first, since the Elixir one will want you to pick which version of Erlang you want to use, then set the Elixir SDK and Apply. That will then populate the dropdown at the top level where you can select it which will set both Elixir and Erlang for the project. Note that in the small IDE’s (Rubymine, Pycharm, etc.) you’ll need to select the Elixir config for each project, but it will remember the SDK’s across projects. Please see Elle’s documentation on the Plugin’s homepage. Hope that helps get you going.

This may help. SDK auto configuration does not support Apple Silicon homebrew location · Issue #3141 · KronicDeth/intellij-elixir · GitHub