Underjord's videos/screencasts

I’ve been making videos a fair bit and they typically go both on the blog and the YouTube channel.

Just released this one which attempts to guide aspiring Elixirist through some of the challenges in going functional.

Previously I also released this Nerves Quickstart which I love dearly:

And this big-picture explanation of Elixir itself which has had some nice response:


These looks great Lars… I’ve split them into a dedicated thread :023:

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This is not particular to Elixir but probably interesting to many of my viewers:

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A new one about self-hosting Plausible Analytics is up. Not a lot of Elixir in it but Plausible is built with Elixir:

You should check out Plausible, real neat :slight_smile:


New video! Putting the LiveView on the Nerves. These are a few of my favorite things. I had no voice, it turned out very artistic. Love to my editor.


A new video is up discussing the stack I would use for a new product today.
I honestly only care about the intro though.
Who doesn’t want to be competent, save time and purify their soul?


The spiritual successor to my artistic Nerves Quickstart is here.

The @Sonic_Pi project is incredibly cool and I wanted to do something around that. This is the video that came out of it, I’m thrilled by the result :slight_smile:

Music credit, a Sonic Pi example by @DJ____DAVE

Let me know what you think!


Oh boy, here I go again. Once every 6 months I see a really cool sonic pi demo, I download it, realize I suck at music and uninstall the app.

Still enjoy it every time :sweat_smile:


Not quite Elixir but highly relevant to Elixir as we might have more queues than most.


Electric SQL showcase :slight_smile:

I had a load of fun figuring out everything for making this video about Electric SQL.
It does syncing between SQLite and Postgres. Local first. Active-Active replication.

If you like SQLite AND/OR Postgres, take a look.


@lawik i ran across your YouTube channel awhile back looking for good Elixir content and have found your channel educational and entertaining.

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Very glad to hear it. Thank you :slight_smile:

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You should go to ElixirConf!

That is the gist of the video but I cover my trip to ElixirConf, giving a talk, meeting people. Feat. @LostKobrakai :slight_smile:


Follow me along as I go to a tight, lite, conference. No flight.
Train rides, conference talk, some tech, some computer vision, some coffee.


Nice video, thank you. Always cool to watch some first hand experience and adventures. :slight_smile:

One thing to improve would be the sound level (volume) of the sound effects. I turned up my volume to understand your monologues and then I almost fell out of my chair when some effect played. :smiley: Otherwise, nothing to improve really. :ok_hand:


thanks, I will share that with my editor and try to catch any repeat offences :slight_smile:

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