Uploading an image via ajax

My code:

var fl = getFile(); //get file from <input type file />
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("POST", "/file_upload", true);

However, on the server in “file_upload(conn, params)” the “params” if empty:

def file_upload(conn, params) do

# => protocol String.Chars not implemented for %{}

on the client “fl” isn’t empty

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The parameters is a map, but you are not sending any parameters, when you send it you are sending it in the ‘body’, so check there. :slight_smile:

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This is why one should use FormData as example here:

in this example you would get params that are map, and key for file would be “webmasterfile”. So @safinto do make sure you send the form properly using FormData.