Uploading binary/multipart file with Tesla to AWS S3

Hi all,

I’m trying to migrate from HTTPotion to Tesla, as the former is deprecated now. I’m having some troubles migrating some code that uploads a file to AWS S3.

This is the old code, which currently works (I’m using AWSAuth to generate the url):

def upload_file_to_bucket(filename, binary_file) do
    signed_aws_resource_request_url = signed_aws_resource_request_url("PUT", filename)

    case HTTPotion.put(signed_aws_resource_request_url, body: binary_file, timeout: 120000) do
      %HTTPotion.ErrorResponse{message: message} ->
        {:error, "Request error: #{message}"}

      %HTTPotion.Response{body: body, headers: _headers, status_code: 200} ->
        {:ok, body}

And I tried like this:

binary_file param is binary_file = File.read!(file.path)

  def upload_file_to_bucket(filename, binary_file) do
    signed_aws_resource_request_url = signed_aws_resource_request_url("PUT", filename)

    file = Tesla.Multipart.new()
      |> Tesla.Multipart.add_file_content(binary_file, filename)
      # I tried with the next line both commented and uncommented
      # |> Multipart.add_file(filename, filename: filename)

    response = Tesla.put(signed_aws_resource_request_url, file, headers: [{"content-type", "application/pdf"}])
    case response do
      {:ok, %Tesla.Env{body: body, headers: _headers, method: :put, opts: _opts, query: _params, status: 200, url: _url}} ->
        {:ok, body}

      {:ok, %Tesla.Env{body: body, headers: _headers, method: :put, opts: _opts, query: _params, status: _status, url: _url}} ->
        message = "Error uploading file #{filename}: #{Kernel.inspect(body, limit: :infinity)}"

        {:error, message}

      {:error, error} ->
        message = "Error uploading file #{filename}: #{error}"

        {:error, message}

But I keep getting this error:

<Error><Code>NotImplemented</Code><Message>A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented</

Which from what I’ve investigated means that the request is sending an empty filename or empty body.

Has anyone done anything close using Tesla for uploading files? I keep looking at the Tesla documentation for multipart but it’s not working.
