I’ve written a custom UploadWriter to handle some tasks that can be done during upload and very quickly on close. It passes tests ands leaves behind the correct artifacts (upload to an external store, DB changes, telemetry, and files) on form submission. That’s awesome!
What’s not awesome is that it fails silently (I’m not seeing any logs) such that the upload entry is missing when I get to handle_event("save"...)
. I’ve narrowed down what’s failing to the use of System.cmd
also fails in the same way, not surprising) and have created a repro that looks the same in the phoenix_live_view
codebase. My code does more than echo
, but this is the minimal repro.
@impl true
def close(test_name, reason) do
send(test_name, {:close, reason})
System.cmd("echo", ["hi"])
{:ok, test_name}
Example failure:
2) test lv with valid token writer can be configured (Phoenix.LiveView.UploadChannelTest)
Assertion with =~ failed
code: assert render_upload(avatar, "foo.jpeg", 50) =~ "#{@context}:foo.jpeg:100%"
left: "<div id=\"phx-F_yS5mRy8ZF98QDk\" data-phx-session=\"SFMyNTY.g2gDaAJhBXQAAAAIZAACaWRtAAAAFHBoeC1GX3lTNW1SeThaRjk4UURrZAAMbGl2ZV9zZXNzaW9uZAADbmlsZAAKcGFyZW50X3BpZGQAA25pbGQACHJvb3RfcGlkZAADbmlsZAAJcm9vdF92aWV3ZAAuRWxpeGlyLlBob2VuaXguTGl2ZVZpZXdUZXN0LlN1cHBvcnQuVXBsb2FkTGl2ZWQABnJvdXRlcmQAA25pbGQAB3Nlc3Npb250AAAAAGQABHZpZXdkAC5FbGl4aXIuUGhvZW5peC5MaXZlVmlld1Rlc3QuU3VwcG9ydC5VcGxvYWRMaXZlbgYAHMW7bZIBYgABUYA.gcGGKYV-ZmdfvdFKFWZ9F9vdxp3mtEjOJIkg3xptyqI\" data-phx-static=\"SFMyNTY.g2gDaAJhBXQAAAADZAAKYXNzaWduX25ld2pkAAVmbGFzaHQAAAAAZAACaWRtAAAAFHBoeC1GX3lTNW1SeThaRjk4UURrbgYAHMW7bZIBYgABUYA.5yoXxILzwUvoaZtt7-eAGLUW9kFRUP3hnI9WDKiScgQ\"><form phx-change=\"validate\" phx-submit=\"save\"><input id=\"phx-F_yS5mSWgbz5wQEE\" type=\"file\" name=\"avatar\" data-phx-hook=\"Phoenix.LiveFileUpload\" data-phx-update=\"ignore\" data-phx-upload-ref=\"phx-F_yS5mSWgbz5wQEE\" data-phx-active-refs=\"\" data-phx-done-refs=\"\" data-phx-preflighted-refs=\"\"/><button type=\"submit\">save</button></form></div>"
right: "lv:foo.jpeg:100%"
test/phoenix_live_view/upload/channel_test.exs:764: (test)
can be called in either close
, meta
, or write_chunk
and cause the silent failure. meta
does actually cause an error about a server PID being missing, but I’m not familiar enough with Elixir to interpret that.
Any suggestions on where to look next or what I might be doing wrong? I didn’t see anything in Phoenix.LiveView.UploadChannel that looked particularly relevant, but my guess is the process is getting closed prematurely somehow.