I have a project on Phoenix 1.7.12 and was able to use live view generators (I am pretty sure ). I created a new project with a newer version of Phoenix and Elixir for testing, then switched back to the old project and now I’m seeing:
>mix phx.gen.live ...
** (RuntimeError) Mix.Tasks.Phx.Gen.Live requires :phoenix_live_view >= 1.0.0, got: 0.20.17
(phoenix 1.7.18) lib/mix/phoenix.ex:376: Mix.Phoenix.ensure_live_view_compat!/1
(phoenix 1.7.18) lib/mix/tasks/phx.gen.live.ex:110: Mix.Tasks.Phx.Gen.Live.run/1
(mix 1.16.3) lib/mix/task.ex:478: anonymous fn/3 in Mix.Task.run_task/5
(mix 1.16.3) lib/mix/cli.ex:96: Mix.CLI.run_task/2
The above is using the 1.7.18 generators. I’ve tried to uninstall and reinstall the Phoenix archive to the 1.7.2 version and that didn’t seem to work at all. My deps are pretty much stock.
{:phoenix, "~> 1.7.12"},
{:phoenix_ecto, "~> 4.4"},
{:ecto_sql, "~> 3.10"},
{:postgrex, ">= 0.0.0"},
{:phoenix_html, "~> 4.0"},
{:phoenix_live_reload, "~> 1.2", only: :dev},
{:phoenix_live_view, "~> 0.20.2"},
{:floki, ">= 0.30.0", only: :test},
{:phoenix_live_dashboard, "~> 0.8.3"},
{:esbuild, "~> 08", runtime: Mix.env() == :dev},
{:tailwind, "~> 0.2", runtime: Mix.env() == :dev},
github: "tailwindlabs/heroicons",
tag: "v2.1.1",
sparse: "optimized",
app: false,
compile: false,
depth: 1},
{:swoosh, "~> 1.5"},
{:finch, "~> 0.13"},
{:telemetry_metrics, "~> 1.0"},
{:telemetry_poller, "~> 1.0"},
{:gettext, "~> 0.20"},
{:jason, "~> 1.2"},
{:dns_cluster, "~> 0.1.1"},
{:bandit, "~> 1.2"}
Could it be that I was mistaken and I had never been able to use LiveView generators on the older project