Use Broadway with ElasticMQ in docker

This is my first attempt at using Broadway, SQS and I am very new to Elixir, so there is hopefully a simple answer. I want to use broadway to consume from a queue in ElasticMQ so that I do not have to use AWS during development. My attempt at the configuration for broadway is,

name: __MODULE__,
producer: [
      queue_url: "http://localhost:9324/queue/service-queue",
      config: [
        access_key_id: "x",
        secret_access_key: "x",
        region: "elasticmq"
processors: [
  default: []
batchers: [
  default: [
    batch_size: 10,
    batch_timeout: 2000

The docker-compose to set-up for ElasticMQ looks like,

  image: "softwaremill/elasticmq"
   - "9324:9324"
   - "9325:9325"
    - ./elasticmq.conf:/opt/elasticmq.conf

and the elastic.conf file is,

include classpath("application.conf")

queues {
   service-queue {
     defaultVisibilityTimeout = 10 seconds
     delay = 5 seconds
     receiveMessageWait = 0 seconds

The problem is that no events are received and after a few seconds I get the error message [error] Unable to fetch events from AWS. Reason: :nxdomain. How should I configure Broadway to make it work with ElasticMQ? Or is that not possible?

I should perhaps note that I tried out the url(since the error indicates a non-existing domain) to the queue using Python and boto3, as described on github, and that works for both receiving and sending messages. I suspect that there is something I missed in the configuration for the producer, any input would be awesome.


Turns out It was a problem with the producer config. For the next person that might run in to the same error this was the correct config given the settings of elasticmq above:

queue_url: "http://localhost:9324/queue/service-queue",
config: [
   access_key_id: "x",
   secret_access_key: "x",
   host: "localhost",
   port: "9324",
   scheme: "http://",
   region: "elasticmq"

You need to specify port,scheme and host in the config as well. It was the same as this issue for connecting to localstack with ex_aws.