I am trying to use fly.io to deploy a simple Phoenix + Ecto app, but have problems connecting Ecto to the provisioned Postgres instance.
I created a postgres instance with flyctl postgres create and attached it to the application with flyctl postgres attach --postgres-app my-app-postgres. This adds a DATABASE_URL environment variable to the application context, which I read out in my releases.exs. I checked and my application receives the correct DATABASE_URL. Unfortunately, Postgresx cannot connect to the database and fails with the error:
The problem seems to be Fly’s own DNS resolver, which should resolve the my-app-postgres.internal part in the DATABASE_URL to an IP address. I saw that the LiveView-Counter example project uses a custom DNS Strategy to resolve the APP_NAME.internal URLs. I wondered whether I can set a similar strategy for Ecto to use.
My assumption is that Ecto tries to resolve the my-app-postgres.internal URl with a public DNS instead of the Fly.iointernal DNS, which is responsible for the .internal-URLs in the internal network of Fly.
My question is therefore: Do you know how I could configure Phoenix or Ecto to use the internal DNS for the .internal-URLs?
I saw a similar question, where the network_mode in the docker-compose.yml was used to let Phoenix discover other services through the host network, but with Fly.io, one can only use a Dockerfile and not a docker-compose.yml file to create the application. So, I wouldn’t know how to set the network_mode inside the Dockerfile.
Edit: I set the private_network=true flag in my fly.toml file, but it didn’t help:
# These two environment variables will be overwritten when the application is started.
# They are needed here to satisfy the env-variable checks in `prod.secret.exs`
Instead you can delete prod.secret.exs, delete also everything from the prod.exs file but don’t delete it, and move everything inside such files to runtime.exs.
ADD . .
This may cause issues when the target you are building for is using different Phoenix/Elixir/Erlang versions from the ones you have in your host, unless you remove some folders and the lock files:
Ah thanks a lot for the feedback! Just a few quick comments:
Instead you can delete prod.secret.exs
Yes, you’re right about this. I didn’t want to change the generated application more than necessary to keep the blog post short, but I’d probably remove this as well.
unless you remove some folders and the lock files:
I added those folders (and now also the *-lock-files, thanks for that!) to the .dockerignore-file, which has the same effect, right?
To compile the release prefer instead
May I ask what is the advantage of putting all these steps into a single RUN? Is it to prevent that these sub-steps are cached so that if e.g. mix release fails, also the assets are re-compiled instead of cached?
Thanks, I removed it.
Also, as a best security practice an app should run in its own unprivileged dedicate user in the system
Ah, that’s very good to know! I changed it in my Dockerfile, will evaluate it tomorrow, and change the blog post once I could check that it works. Thanks for that as well!
If you pay attention the commands I suggested have slight differences and they come directly from the Elixir docs. You can keep them separated, but you may want to adopt the official way of doing it.
For me the Dockerfile is to build a production release, therefore I prefer to not use cache at all, I even use the --no-cache flag on the command line.
In development I use this Dockerfile:
FROM hexpm/elixir:${ELIXIR_VERSION}-erlang-${OTP_VERSION}-alpine-${ALPINE_VERSION} as build
ENV USER="developer"
ENV HOME=/home/"${USER}"
ENV APP_DIR="${HOME}/workspace"
apk upgrade --no-cache && \
apk add \
--no-cache \
inotify-tools \
openssh-client \
build-base \
npm \
git && \
# Creates a unprivileged user to run the app
addgroup \
-g 1000 \
-S "${USER}" && \
adduser \
-s /bin/sh \
-u 1000 \
-G "${USER}" \
-h "${HOME}" \
-D "${USER}" && \
su "${USER}" sh -c "mkdir ${APP_DIR}"
# Everything from this line onwards will run in the context of the unprivileged user.
mix local.hex --force && \
mix local.rebar --force
# @link https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/issues/3422#issuecomment-388188608
# @link https://gist.github.com/Kovrinic/ea5e7123ab5c97d451804ea222ecd78a
git config --global url."https://exadra37:${GIT_USER_DEPLOY_TOKEN}@gitlab.com".insteadOf git://gitlab.com
CMD ["sh"]