I tried using my answer today and it needed improvement because CSS was not being loaded.
I have a hacky way of making the CSS work (which is better than no way).
First, use this slightly better open_browser_wsl
def open_browser_wsl(view) do
Phoenix.LiveViewTest.open_browser(view, fn html_unix_path ->
drive_dir = "/c"
{wsl_path, 0} = System.cmd("wslpath", ["-aw", html_unix_path])
cmd_args = [drive_dir, "start", String.trim_trailing(wsl_path), drive_dir, "zsh"]
opts = [cd: "/mnt" <> drive_dir]
System.cmd("cmd.exe", cmd_args, opts)
It is better for 2 reasons:
- It changes directory so there is no more annoying warning about not being a Windows path.
- It makes the drive letter clearly customizable, in case that is necessary.
I usually just slap that function into the block of code in conn_case.ex
that starts with:
using do
quote do
With the function inside the using
block, any test that has use MyAppWeb.ConnCase
will be able to call open_browser_wsl(view)
Now for the CSS. Configure the test Endpoint
so that static URLs can be resolved. In config/text.exs
, add this:
static_url_path =
try do
{windows_static_path, 0} = System.cmd("wslpath", ["-aw", "priv/static"])
|> String.trim()
|> String.trim_leading("\\")
|> String.replace("\\", "/")
|> then(&Kernel.<>("file://", &1))
# revert to default path if command not found, else re-raise the error
e in ErlangError -> if e.original == :enoent, do: "/", else: reraise(e, __STACKTRACE__)
and then finally tell the Endpoint (still in the test config file) to use this static path:
config :my_app, RangerWeb.Endpoint,
# ...
static_url: [host: "localhost", path: static_url_path]
The try/rescue
block is to make sure people who don’t use WSL can still run tests.
It’s hacky, for sure, but now CSS will be loaded.
@ricksonoliveira Please mark this answer as the solution. It is better than my previous answer.