Use variable as key in Ecto's select_merge

I’m using Ecto 2 and want to make a function that would accept a query and a key and then use the key in select_merge. I’m getting the following error when doing that:

iex(21)> from(p in Person, select: %{}, select_merge: %{id:}) |> Repo.all()
[debug] QUERY OK source="people" db=0.8ms
SELECT p0."id" FROM "people" AS p0 []
[%{id: 2774176}, %{id: 2774177}, %{id: 2774178}]
iex(22)> key = :id
iex(23)> from(p in Person, select: %{}, select_merge: %{^key =>}) |> Repo.all()
[debug] QUERY ERROR source="people" db=3.0ms
SELECT $1, p0."id" FROM "people" AS p0 [:id]
** (Postgrex.Error) ERROR 42P18 (indeterminate_datatype): could not determine data type of parameter $1
    (ecto) lib/ecto/adapters/sql.ex:431: Ecto.Adapters.SQL.execute_and_cache/7
    (ecto) lib/ecto/repo/queryable.ex:133: Ecto.Repo.Queryable.execute/5
    (ecto) lib/ecto/repo/queryable.ex:37: Ecto.Repo.Queryable.all/4

iex(23)> query = from(p in Person, select: %{}, select_merge: %{^key =>})
#Ecto.Query<from p in Dsrv.Main.Person, select: %{^:id =>}>
iex(24)> Repo.to_sql :all, query
{"SELECT $1, p0.\"id\" FROM \"people\" AS p0", [:id]}

Is this possible at all to use a variable as a key with select_merge?

In Ecto 3 I could only get string keys to work. With an atom I was faced with

 Postgrex expected a binary, got :id.

See here.

Now it’s entirely possible that I’m missing something.

But it might be a good time to step back and re-examine the problem that lead you to needing to dynamically specify the key and see if there is an alternate way of solving it.