Using absinthe with urql to upload files gives me `No query document supplied`

No Query Document Supplied Error with File Upload in Phoenix/Absinthe + React/Urql

I’m encountering a “No query document supplied” error when implementing file uploads using Phoenix/Absinthe with React/Urql. The error occurs when attempting to upload an image using the built-in multipart upload functionality in @urql/core@4.


Backend (Phoenix/Absinthe):

plug Plug.Parsers,
  parsers: [:urlencoded, :multipart, :json, Absinthe.Plug.Parser],
  pass: ["*/*"],
  json_decoder: Jason

# Schema Definition
field :upload_file, :string do
  arg(:users, non_null(:upload))
  arg(:metadata, :upload)
  resolve(fn args, _ ->
    # this is a `%Plug.Upload{}` struct
    {:ok, "success"}

Frontend (React/Urql):

Error Response

  "errors": [
      "message": "No query document supplied"


  • Phoenix + Absinthe (Backend)
  • React + Urql (Frontend)
  • Using @urql/core@4 with built-in multipart upload support

I’ve verified that:

  1. The multipart parser is properly configured in Phoenix
  2. The schema definition matches the urql example
  3. The frontend implementation follows the official urql example

Any guidance on resolving this error would be appreciated.

just found out this absinthe-upload/lib/absinthe/upload.ex at master · shavit/absinthe-upload · GitHub

im goona try this