Using Ash Changes in AshAuthentication.Strategy.Password registration action

Is it possible to use changes in actions generated by AshAuthentication, like the :register_with_password action generated by the AshAuthentication.Strategy.Password strategy?

I want to update another record, say, update invitation.user_id field with the ID of the just-registered user, and I was thinking of using an after_action or after_transaction hook.

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Hey @amos-kibet,

Maybe check out a global change with a condition that the action in question is the :register_with_password action added by AshAuthentication.

changes do
    change after_action(&private_function_with_your_change/2), where: [action_is(:register_with_password)]

Look into created_at == updated_at for determining that the user is logging in for the first time, i.e. registering.

As always, consider the lifecycle and different callbacks to get the behaviour you want and look into the details of after_action and after_transaction. Note that the after_transaction callback is called regardless of success. So you probably want the after_action since it is called on success.

I’m new to Ash but the community has been great and I’d love to pay it forward. Since there was no reply yet I jumped in so that you maybe could get on with what you’re doing. If the wizards say otherwise – heed their advise in all cases.


Wonderful reply :slight_smile: as the community grows, the wizards have less and less time to respond to each question so everyone should feel free to propose these kinds of things even if they aren’t 100% sure :slight_smile:

In this case, you’re exactly right.