Using channel and topics - better one topic or 10K topics

I get by websocket Json data . I have 10K different packs, but the number of this different kind of packs is constant ( 10k) .
E.x of receiving



Via websocket I receive in one second about 1K different packs .
I have 100 RECEIVERS of this packs and each receiver has Agent dedicated to specific packs .

----- AgentForPack1
----- AgentForPack2

----- AgentForPack10K

----- AgentForPack1
----- AgentForPack2

----- AgentForPack10K

Each pack must be calculated by each receiver (by Agent from Receiver dedicated to specific pack, then Agent holds new calculated state) .

Question is : which way is better to code this problem

One channel:onetopic which spreads out each PACK to each RECEIVER, then each receiver does some calculation on this pack (via Agent)
channel:10Ktopics (each topic is dedicated to specific PACK) , then each receiver is subscribed to 10K channel:10Ktopics

Thanks in advance for answer

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Why are you using channels for this. Could you just register each Agent (or Receiver) to a registry by pack name and send them the packs directly ? (That would be shaped as a 10K topics solution).

Do you have multiple websockets connexion ?

Sorry if what I say makes no sense but when you talk about Agent it seems to be an Elixir Agent, which is server side.

Without knowing your specific use case, I’m not sure I’d recommend 10k channels (specific topics). Each channel is a process on your server, so 1 client takes up 10k processes with that approach. I don’t mind throwing a handful of processes to a client, but 10k may be problematic. (It also may be fine—I haven’t benchmarked it)

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