Using java script in templates

Here is the fetch code

var hideDelete = function(){
     let studentid    = localStorage.getItem("studentID").toString();
     let classid      = localStorage.getItem("classID").toString();
     let semesterid   = localStorage.getItem("semester").toString();
   //  let urlPath     = "/students/"+studentid+"/registrations";
     let urlPath = window.location.pathname;
     alert(urlPath);  // yields "/students/30/registrations"
     const token = document.querySelector('meta[name="csrf-token"]').getAttribute('content');
     fetch(urlPath, {
        method: "DELETE",
        headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json','X-CSRF-Token': token},
        body: {student_id: studentid, class_id: classid, semester: semesterid}
     document.getElementById("deletebtn").style.visibility = 'hidden';

Then I get on the console this error

DELETE http://localhost:4000/students/30/registrations 400 (Bad Request)

I can’t figure out why the fetch is prefixing urlPath with “http://localhost:4000.”

Hi @donwhit I’ve edited your post to use code formatting blocks ``` which help readability.

Can you show the logs that you get from this request in the phoenix server?

The console is showing the complete request URL which includes the host. fetch will automatically inject the current proto-host-port if it’s missing from its argument.

What are you expecting urlPath to be prefixed with?

What are your routes?

I was under the impression that you cannot prefix the path when using the local server.

here are my routes
profile_path GET /profiles AuctionWeb.ProfileController :show
page_path GET / AuctionWeb.PageController :index
user_path GET /users/new AuctionWeb.UserController :new
user_path GET /users/:id AuctionWeb.UserController :show
user_path POST /users AuctionWeb.UserController :create
profile_path GET /profiles/edit AuctionWeb.ProfileController :edit
profile_path GET /profiles/new AuctionWeb.ProfileController :new
profile_path GET /profiles AuctionWeb.ProfileController :show
profile_path POST /profiles AuctionWeb.ProfileController :create
profile_path PATCH /profiles AuctionWeb.ProfileController :update
PUT /profiles AuctionWeb.ProfileController :update
profile_path DELETE /profiles AuctionWeb.ProfileController :delete
class_path GET /classes AuctionWeb.ClassController :index
class_path GET /classes/new AuctionWeb.ClassController :new
class_path GET /classes/:id AuctionWeb.ClassController :show
class_path POST /classes AuctionWeb.ClassController :create
student_path GET /students AuctionWeb.StudentController :index
student_path GET /students/:id/edit AuctionWeb.StudentController :edit
student_path GET /students/new AuctionWeb.StudentController :new
student_path GET /students/:id AuctionWeb.StudentController :show
student_path POST /students AuctionWeb.StudentController :create
student_path PATCH /students/:id AuctionWeb.StudentController :update
PUT /students/:id AuctionWeb.StudentController :update
student_path DELETE /students/:id AuctionWeb.StudentController :delete
student_registration_path GET /students/:student_id/registrations AuctionWeb.RegistrationController :index
student_registration_path GET /students/:student_id/registrations/new AuctionWeb.RegistrationController :new
student_registration_path GET /students/:student_id/registrations/:id AuctionWeb.RegistrationController :show
student_registration_path POST /students/:student_id/registrations AuctionWeb.RegistrationController :create
session_path DELETE /logout AuctionWeb.SessionController :delete
session_path GET /login AuctionWeb.SessionController :new
session_path POST /login AuctionWeb.SessionController :create
student_path GET /api/students/new AuctionWeb.StudentController :new
student_registration_path DELETE /api/students/:student_id/registrations/:id AuctionWeb.RegistrationController :delete

DELETE http://localhost:4000/regPath 404 (Not Found)

Response {type: ‘basic’, url: ‘http://localhost:4000/regPath’, redirected: false, status: 404, ok: false, …}

More info
This is the code

this is the response

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
body: (…)
bodyUsed: false
headers: Headers {}
ok: false
redirected: false
status: 404
statusText: “Not Found”
type: “basic”
url: “http://localhost:4000/regPath
[[Prototype]]: Response

Correction to first reply:
I was under the impression that the url should be formatted this way - “localhost:4000/regPath”
and not this way “http://localhost:4000/regPath