Using manage_relationship with a destroy action marked as soft

The child resource has the primary destroy coded as:

    destroy :archive do
      primary? true
      soft? true
      change set_attribute(:archived_at, &DateTime.utc_now/0)

and the parent resource simple has the following in the :create and :update actions

change manage_relationship(:actions, type: :direct_control)

The form is setup using: forms: [auto?: true]

When I remove the resource and ash goes to destroy it, ash bombs at:

Results in:

* ** (CaseClauseError) no case clause matching: {:ok, resource, [%Ash.Notifier.Notification

I am not sure if this is simply a bug, or there is a different way to code my logic to handle this. Note, I am not using ash_archival which is the one I think does soft deletes, but I would have to imagine that works, so that is why I think I am doing it wrong.

Thank you!

Pretty sure this is just a good old fashioned bug :slight_smile:

I’m not able to reproduce Ash.destroy returning {:ok, record, notifications} in my testing, could you put together a reproduction and I’ll get it handled?

The record id check isn’t needed, but I think makes it more clear what is happening.

Thank you!