We’re giving away TWO tickets to Code BEAM SF!

To celebrate 20 years of open-sourced Erlang (#OpenErlang*), the Erlang Solutions crew would love to invite a couple of our forum members to Code BEAM SF!

In order to win, just say WHICH TALK you most want to attend and WHY in this thread - be as witty or charming as you want!

The CodeSync team will pick their two favourite replies in a week’s time!

What you need to know:

  • What is Code BEAM SF?
    Code BEAM SF (15-16 MAR) is the only conference in the USA to bring all BEAM languages, including Erlang and Elixir, together. Learn from 50+ cutting-edge talks, how BEAM languages are revolutionising areas like IOT, Blockchain, Fintech, Security, Machine Learning and many more.

  • Who’s speaking at Code BEAM SF?
    Find out more here.

  • When is Code BEAM SF?
    15-16 March 2018

  • Where is Code BEAM SF?
    Marines’ Memorial Club & Hotel, 609 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94102

*Haven’t heard of #OpenErlang? Check out the free party running alongside Code BEAM SF celebrating the 20th anniversary of open sourced Erlang.


I want to attend Bruce William’s talk - GraphQL-on-Elixir. Two reasons 1) I’m using Absinthe to build GraphQL on Elixir and 2) I bought Bruce’s book and want him to sign it. (at least virtually) :slight_smile:


Would love to attend @bitwalker talk RELEASES AND ELIXIR: ENVISIONING A MORE PERFECT UNION. I think BEAM ecosystem is amazing and poised to become a key technology enabler for sane IOT, data processing pipelines and many other areas, yet it’s critical to have a good ops story to accelerate adoption and release and deployment is a major area that can make this story better. My pet hope is to get my team do adopt Elixir for at least part of our product and having a good release and deployment story would def. help.


So sorry. I refuse to chose just one, here’s two, sorry three, uh this feels unfair because there’s another 5 I want to see. Anyhow…

Herbert - because he’s hilarious
Guerra/Virding - Prolific/Beam gurus


Releases and Elixir: Envisioning a more perfect union by Paul Schoenfelder (Architectural Engineer, Creator of Distillery and Timex Elixir Libraries (DockYard))) @bitwalker

Paul Schoenfelder recently wrote an informative blogpost about the current state of releasing Elixir code to production and provided insights for tooling improvements that are projected to be released with Elixir 1.7. I’m eager to hear from him at the conference’s talk to gain a deeper understanding of the vision of frictionless deploys. I’m a tech lead of my company, and I want to become an Elixir, BEAM, and OTP Evangelist. In order to successfully do this, I need to learn the most effective methods of production releases for this beautiful language. Help me deliver the BEAM ecosystem to not only my company but to the world! re: https://dockyard.com/blog/2018/02/28/elixir-deployment-tools-update-february-2018


Designing Rich API Clients at Scale by Jeff Ching.

Okay. This looks like an amazing conference and as others have said it’s hard to pick one but I’ll play by the rules.

As somebody that brought Elixir to Vonage in the face of skepticism (the faces were actually varied but they all had that extremely doubtful look on them) I’d love to go to BEAM SF. I had it on my list as a possibility but the financing didn’t work out (more doubtful faces). In any case, I have two really successful web apps within Vonage that multiple people are now contributing to. Its been awesome to have the new contributors realize what a cool language it is. I’d love to take another step forward and build out an API that would startle some folks. Skeptical to Startle face is fun to watch!


Clearly it’s EASILY a dead tie between Sam Williams’s talk on Fighting Authoritarianism With Blockchain And Blockweaves and Jesse Fish’s (fishcakez) update on Elixir/Elixir Core Team.

Sam’s talk would clearly give me a glimpse of the future of crypto currencies beyond metooCoins and the title itself leaves me riveting! How can a blockchain be a blockweave?! Perhaps this European can give an American some hope (given our current politics here)

“Archain is a decentralised permanent information storage system, open to all, forever. Built on a novel blockchain-like data structure (a ‘blockweave’) that shards across many computers, the Archain is a public library and archive inside a cryptocurrency. As well as taking a peek inside the Archain infrastructure itself, we will explore how Archain-based Erlang apps can be used to build incontrovertible election/voting systems, automated traders, and decentralised social media systems, among many other uses.”

James Fish from what I’ve heard is an amazing coding magician (second to Jose Valim / Joe Armstrong of course, both virtually a dead tie). And would be interesting to see what someone who likes to “pin photos of poodle crossbreeds” looks like in person. My boards are clearly more tasteful https://www.pinterest.com/brpandey/




Aeternity: Scalable Smart Contracts Interfacing With Real World Data by Erik Stenman

I would love to hear Erik’s talk. I am an American who currently lives and codes in Hong Kong, where the majority of the tech scene is trapped in 2014. Seriously, NodeJS is treated like WASM out here. A typical start-up’s idea of “disruptive technology” in Hong Kong is shifting to Drupal.

There are a few exceptions to this characterization, but by and large, Hong Kong’s tech scene is largely dominated by people who claim their software is a “FinTech Blockchain VR Platform with IoT Integrations,” when in reality they’re running a Phalcon 2.0 app with an always-upcoming ICO and a Solidity smart contract they won’t show anyone.

So, I would love to go to Erik’s talk, as I am lead dev at a startup in HK where I rebuilt our app in Elixir and Erlang with IoT device monitoring for unlockables/rewards, and I am researching the best way to deploy smart contracts that interface with real world data from IoT devices within an Erlang ecosystem, while also evangelizing Elixir, Phoenix, and Erlang.

Sidenote: I am co-organizer of Elixir HK, and we have an upcoming event at which I’ll be giving a talk on building super-fast APIs in Elixir with a React Native component, to try to get the React HK people excited about Elixir and Erlang.

Another goal of ours for 2018 is to do an event with a smart contract/blockchain/crypto edge, as HK is a city full of blockchain enthusiasts, and cross-pollination between Elixir/Erlang and smart contract/blockchain tech in HK could be some high-impact evangelism!

-Nick West


It sounds selfish, seeing as we’re supposed to be celebrating 20 years past of BEAMy goodness, but I’m most excited for the core OTP and Elixir update talks—I’m eager to see what the future holds.

Beyond that, I’m probably most looking forward to Robert Virding and Mariano Guerra’s talk on implementing BEAM languages (especially if they get into Core Erlang), and Tian Chen’s talk on deployed systems monitoring/upgrading, as those two topics are ones I have a hard time penetrating myself, but am very interested in.


I’m interested in attending “Learning Elixir Better Through Collaboration and Giving Back” because I’m new to Elixir; seems like a great opportunity to learn how to participate in the community more effectively!


My pick in a quick little code snippet which does run in iex:

TL;DR Robert Virding’s Talk is my first pick

defmodule WhichTalk do
  @moduledoc "This module tells you the talk I most want to attend"

  def talk_pick(rank) do
    case rank do
      :first -> {:ok, "Robert Virding's Talk - Implementing Languages on the BEAM", "First place: I want to attend this talk the most because I'm interested in getting more insight into the BEAM"}
      :second -> {:ok, "Andrew Thompson's Talk - Bridging The Physical and Blockchain World With Erlang", "Second place: I want to attend this talk because how you can go wrong with Blockchain"}
      _ -> {:ok, "Any other talk", "Third place and beyond: All the other talks look great, so there's no error tuple"}

# iex(2)> WhichTalk.talk_pick(:first)
# {:ok, "Robert Virding's Talk - Implementing Languages on the BEAM", "First place: I want to attend this talk the most because I'm interested in getting more insight into the BEAM"}

The talk I most want to attend is Geoffery Lessel’s talk on Streams because Geo has such a . great way of explaining things that is easy to understand.
learning bout streams
can easily be a pain
but never with Geo.

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If You don’t want to wait…

The competition is now closed - good luck to all who entered! :023:

The CodeSync team at Erlang Solutions will contact two winners via PM… so make sure you have your notifications switched on :003: