Weird error with live_file_upload

I’m trying to implement multiple file upload buttons inside the same live_view. I have this kind of code:

defmodule AlbumWeb.AlbumLive do
  use AlbumWeb, :live_view
  alias Album.HashedIds
  alias Integer
  require Logger

  def mount(%{"id" => id}, _session, socket) do
    album_id = HashedIds.decode!(id)
    album = Album.get_album!(album_id)
    pages_per_album = Application.get_env(:album, :pages_per_album, 10)
    {:ok, assign(socket, album: album, pages_per_album: pages_per_album)}

  def render(assigns) do
    <div class="flex-1 book_holder">
      <div class="book" style="--c: 0;--translate: 0;">
        <%= for page <- 0..(@pages_per_album - 1) do %>
          <PageComponents.photo_page page={page}>
                id={page * 2}
                page={page * 2}
                id={page * 2 + 1}
                page={page * 2 + 1}
        <% end %>

which uses AlbumWeb.PhotosetLive a few times. PhotosetLive is defined like so

defmodule AlbumWeb.PhotosetLive do
  use AlbumWeb, :live_component

  # use def update_many(assigns_sockets) to load all photos in the albnum

  def mount(socket) do
    socket =
      |> assign(:uploaded_files, [])
      |> allow_upload(:photoset, accept: ~w(.jpg .jpeg .png .webp), max_entries: 7)

    {:ok, socket}

  def handle_event("validate", _params, socket) do
    {:noreply, socket}

  def handle_event("save", _params, socket) do
    uploaded_files =
      consume_uploaded_entries(socket, :photoset, fn %{path: path}, _entry ->
        dest = Path.join("priv/static/uploads", Path.basename(path))
        IO.puts(path <> " -> " <> dest)

    {:noreply, update(socket, :uploaded_files, &(&1 ++ uploaded_files))}

  attr :page, :integer, required: true
  attr :album, Album.Album, required: true

  def render(assigns) do
        <%= for entry <- @uploads.photoset.entries do %>
          <%= entry.client_name %> - <%= entry.progress %>%
        <% end %>
        <form phx-submit="save" phx-change="validate">
          <%= live_file_input(@uploads.photoset) %>
          <button type="submit">Upload</button>

this crashes by page with

ArgumentError at GET /albums/1Ovxpva
assign/3 expects a socket from Phoenix.LiveView/Phoenix.LiveComponent  or an assigns map from Phoenix.Component as first argument, got: %{accept: ".jpg,.jpeg,.png,.webp", __given__: %{accept: ".jpg,.jpeg,.png,.webp"}}You passed an assigns map that does not have the relevant change tracking information. This typically means you are calling a function component by hand instead of using the HEEx template syntax. If you are using HEEx, make sure you are calling a component using:

    <.component attribute={value} />

If you are outside of HEEx and you want to test a component, use Phoenix.LiveViewTest.render_component/2:

    Phoenix.LiveViewTest.render_component(&component/1, attribute: "value")

Would anyone have a pointer what I am doing wrong? I also tried only one component but it gives the same error. It’s pretty text book implementation so far, and I’m very new to phoenix and elixir.

Upon further debugging, it’s this line that causes the error:
<%= live_file_input(@uploads.photoset) %>

I have inspected the socket and @uploads.photoset is set, I have also tried <%= live_file_input(@uploads) %>, but it doesn’t work either :thinking:

problem was with using <%= live_file_input(@uploads.photoset) %> instead of <.live_file_input upload={@uploads.photoset}/>