All UI interactions can be divided into two categories: those that need to fetch data from the server and those that don’t. Presumably, even LiveView agrees that the latter need not go through the server, since it provide ways to handle them on the client with hooks and commands.
The point of disagreement with SPA frameworks is where the HTML that depends on the server’s data should be rendered. SPAs prefer to receive the data as JSON and handle its presentation on the client, whereas LiveView does it on the server.
Setting aside the problems of SEO and first contentful paint, which SPAs have more or less solved, is one way better than the other for post-page-load interactions?
Of course, there’s the convenience of not having to fiddle with the communication between the front and the back ends or divide your tech stack, but you can achieve similar developer experience with React’s and Leptos’ server functions; and though I’ve not used it, I believe Inertia serves the same purpose. (Note: I’ve only used Leptos’s server functions and am guessing React’s do the same thing. If it doesn’t, please don’t rake me over the coals.)
This isn’t criticism—I’m just trying to learn which way to take for what project.