What assets tools are you using? Brunch, Webpack, Gulp ..etc

Now to answer the question, I wrote my own build system since the world doesn’t have enough of those and I got fed up with all the JS tools. I use it in my own projects but I put it on Hex.pm too: https://hex.pm/packages/mbu

It’s pretty much Mix + task dependencies + watch support and I use it to actually call all those NPM tools that do the JS/CSS/HTML building. I intend to add some more light helper things in the future to avoid too much typing but I want to keep it non-magical and easily understandable.

Here it is in my current project: https://gitlab.com/code-stats/code-stats/tree/master/lib/mix/tasks
The main task there is frontend.build. There’s many tasks since there’s two frontends to build (frontend and battle). It’s pretty verbose but at least I understand what’s happening. I’m planning on adding semiautomatic output directory path handling so it will be a lot less typing in the future. If you want to ask something, I have another topic here: MBU - Mix Build Utilities