I have a few conference talks under my belt at this point (three of them to be exact, and countless of talks given at meet ups). I think I have a style by now—some ideas about what it means to give a talk, and my ideas of how to present my ideas; but, I would like to hear what kind of talk you expect from an Elixir conference.
For instance, I’d rather explain something that is obvious to 80% of the room. If I talk about a concurrent system I will give a short intro to concurrency. My latest talk was about the API of a MQTT client; here I showed a slide with two processes sending messages between each other, and that processes can do so because they have identity. I did this to show the only semantic I can produce for my client (in the context of an outgoing publish) has “one natural way” in Elixir (and Erlang).
Do you find this kinda of argumentation and reasoning to be «patronising» ? Personally, when others do it I just accept that I know what they talk about, and find joy in hearing someone else explain it, and sometimes I see ways to explain it to others at a later time. Or do you want more advanced talks ?—and how would they look ?
This question might be all over the place—please feel free to share your ideas about technical talks