What do you LOVE about Elixir?

It’s gonna be a nice list :wink:

  • Immutability, which makes code easier to understand, to debug and to trace the flow
  • Power of Erlang under the hood for free - lightweight processes, great communication system, whole OTP to use
  • Flexible and powerful syntax - easy to code, but enables you to make great things with macros - world without breaks, long loops, spaghetti code and methods “all in one”
  • Doctest - test your code with documentation, sound awesome, works even better
  • Language improvements and Jose’s dedication - it’s different subject at all, but man! Such amount of work.
  • Phoenix - because it’s Phoenix

I love how Elixir keeps everything simple.

It has all the benefits of functional programming paradigm.

Then, Elixir uses only plain functions. No type classes, monads, and other increasingly complex abstractions in other functional languages that are nice but liable to go overboard.

Its pattern matching and OTP conventions lead developers to always break code into smaller parts, keeping complexity low and greatly delaying that eventual explosion of complexity.


1: Community: Here or on stackoverflow I always got kind responses and help, no matter how stupid was the question :slight_smile:

2: Language design / fp: I just noticed how much learning elixir improved my coding skill in another language(javascript).


pids :hearts:

  • I love that I can make simple applications extremely quick without spending a huge amount of time building and learning the language.

  • I love how easy it is to make applications that just works and have less bugs.

  • that documentation of libraries in general is exceptional due to the languages build in documentation features.

  • The community is the Shangri la of the web. very friendly and helpful. In general members strike me as highly skilled.

  • Deploying a Elixir application on a server is silly easy the BEAM just works.

*I love that Elixir and libraries / frameworks makes sense and are not bloated.


I just wrote a blog post about this https://almog.io/why-im-loving-elixir/


I can’t really explain it other than it’s a well designed language. I’ll be changing careers if I can’t write my solutions in Elixir, Clojure, or OCaml full-time in the near future.