What does phx.server do under the hood?

What mix task phx.server really do under the hood?

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Just starts the application in a regular way, but with extra application env variable (serve_endpoints) which states that the listener must be started


The best way to know it is reading the code.

As you said, phx.server is a mix task. And mix tasks have a pattern on the file structure, they are always placed in lib/mix/tasks/.

For phoenix, the file is phoenix/phx.server.ex at b1efc790680d03baf5afb4896d6ec384a3605da4 · phoenixframework/phoenix · GitHub, check it out.


This is the best answer as it tells what to put in config.exs, the extra variable and its value… from the code in the run call in deps/phoenix/lib/mix/tasks/phx.server.ex

config :phoenix,
  serve_endpoints: true