What Elixir related stuff are you doing?

I’m slowly reading Programming Elixir


Current doing an MVP with Phoenix 1.5.3 and Live View :slight_smile:

Today was spent learning Live View Components to build the calendar Modal with Live View:


So when can we expect a LiveView Components library? :smiley:


We already have one, Surface :slight_smile:


Today’s my last day working as a QA. Next week I’m starting my new job as a junior elixir developer! To me it is a great opportunity because I live in a relatively small city (~100k people) and most other places are looking for java/js devs.

I’m going to use these couple of free days to continue working through Real time Phoenix.


Learning LiveView!


I’ve been creating an open source project called CoThings to help avoid crowded areas during COVID-19 pandemic using Elixir + Phoenix.


Started a tutorial series about learning Elixir + Phoenix together. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XapozN5o2YA&t=4s


I am using Emacs only and

  • reading this forum
  • working on Nerves based my own home control center (started with Mpdex Music Player Daemon client and Nerves RPI3 with DHT support
  • porting Ruby GraphQL to Absinthe based
  • enjoy in Elixir :grinning:

Making progress in my Phoenix Live View learning :smile:

Having fun with writing some Web Components :smiley:


Just posted in another thread but since it’s also a good answer to this topic… aside from ongoing work on a PR to phoenix_live_dashboard to add support for metric history, I’ve started an ease-of-use package for working with it, though I can’t release it to hex until PR is merged upstream… if anyone wants to give a try or feedback on code/docs you can add to mix.exs as a fit dependency from here https://github.com/bglusman/live_dashboard_history


That’s something that I was looking for!! Thank you!!

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Let me know if I can help! Right now the local dev environment I tried to shamelesssly copy from LiveDashboard isn’t working quite right, haven’t gotten around to debugging yet, but there is a working integration with it merged into elixir-companies as a reference if it helps (you can also see it live there if you auth via github at elixir-companies.com and then after auth visit /dashboard; note there is an outstanding JS bug so that the chart Y axis doesn’t update until first live JS event is sent to browser). I also think it should be trivial to switch from a hack I used to name dynamic processes after the router to instead use a Registry shouldn’t be hard? but my first attempt isn’t working and I haven’t had time to debug, though that’s pushed up in a branch.


Building a portal for my company’s DevOps services (GitLab, GoCD, Redmine, Wiki, etc.).

The goal is to provide an OAuth 2.0 interface to the services, and bridge to the existing non-standard LDAP authentication under the hood. It also provides a user interface that lists all existing services (with Live View, yay!) so that the users can one-click to whatever service he/she want to use, without manually sign in to it.

Since I’ve put some similar services in to the system (GoCD vs Jenkins vs GitLab CI, Wiki.js vs Dokuwiki), the next thing I wanna do is to create polls to see which one is favored by most. I plan to use Live View here too.


I’m currently building a real-time Digital Signage system that also displays live data like news updates, e.t.c. I’m more than half-way through. It’s been fun working with Elixir and co.

By the way, I’m also an intermediate C++ programmer- I’m very much interested but not yet proficient enough to develop a Phoenix Websocket Client for QT I think it’s a good initiative that will encourage software developers building for Qt-based embedded devices to leverage on Elixir-Phoenix backends-- This will undercut the use of the massive extra layer of QtWebengine for some resource-constrained projects. It will be nice if @OvermindDL1 and other C++ Pros would chime in on this.


I am working on one application with Elixir/Phoenix as a core contributor of Elixir Bangladesh. It will be an emergency finder application. We have small community in Bangladesh who are eager to learn Elixir with Guidance of expert mentor. We are working toward to build Elixir Community in Bangladesh and trying to reach market to show that we can build awesome things with Elixir.


At the moment I’m working on some new features for the ex_sieve library. These will include predicates validation based on ecto field type and more configuration parameters.


Oh that sounds really cool! And yeah using webkit is quite heavy, it is a full browser engine, so being able to use the direct API’s is always nicer especially on embedded systems.


Going throught some books and ElixirSchool


Learning Phoenix LiveViews with Pragmatic Studio :slight_smile: