What Elixir related stuff are you doing?

I just extracted some code from our Phoenix LiveView production application that is really helping us at writing extensible live_components

No dependencies. Hope you’ll be interested if you’re looking something much lighter 🪶 than Surface (I’m just providing helpers, not a complete framework)


At work I have a Todo App example connecting with an Elixir Absinthe GraphQL backend:

The Elixir Absinthe GraphQL backend code can be found here:

For a pure integration of a mobile app via Phoenix Channels only, no GraphQL, then you can check the Echo Chamber mobile app example and its backend.

The mobile app:

The backend:


Thanks a lot


If anybody is interested in the code, it’s now open source on GitHub unter MIT License. https://github.com/benvp/toniefy


Love the idea and the way you worked around the limitations of the Spotify API!


I am working on a project related to fintech.

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I’ve been working on a monitoring server for Raspberry Pi devices, using LiveView, Tailwind, and the Chart.js library.

Repo available on Github


That sounds interesting, do you have source code available? I’m particularly interested in the integration with ChartJS

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Of course! The repo link is right underneath the screenshot in my post. I am still learning Chart.js so the implementation is rather “barebones” but you can find it in assets/js

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I’m testing what a macro-less DSL for generating HTML would look in Elixir. To replace the EEx templates I have that are a pain in many ways. Let’s see how it goes.

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I know you weren’t asking me, but I thought I’d share since I like trying out different editors.

I typically use Vim, try out a new editor for a month or so, and then go back to Vim. About six months ago, I started using Kakoune and have stayed there since. It’s the first editor I’ve used that doesn’t make me miss Vim. I still use Vim when SSH-ing into boxes without Kakoune installed, but for my day-to-day coding Kakoune has been nice.

Just replaced mail sending of our old ecommerce software with Bamboo and Periodic, was so easy, a dream!
But this solution is only used until we switch to another newer ecommerce software.
It would be a dream if there was an ecommerce software in Elixir that is configurable and extensible with plugins…

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Three years after discovering Elixir, my daily workload jumped from 0% to 90% “Elixir related stuff”. Looking back, I remember hoping that this could some day be the case, but did not believe it.

My daily one-guy developer life is way more comfortable with this stack. I’d call it my “no distraction, no surprises” stack. Most of my apps went to various multi-repos to Phoenix monorepos and some of the real-time stuff I had to do in PHP before went from painful to application of native constructs in Elixir.

I enjoyed learning some theory in the past years and felt really stuck with the tools I’d adopted younger. Changing my tech ecosystem allowed me to let go of those habits and put my reading to use in Elixir.

I hope this’ll continue !
Have a nice day everybody


Created a Phoenix Liveview based configurable multi-user game site, at https://shiptoaster.com, as a technology demonstration.

Now working on a Phoenix Liveview based PDF custom annotation system

Making videos about Elixir, most recently.

Some Membrane, some Livebook, some PETAL stack. And the blogging. And the newsletter. The usual :sparkles:


Following Elixir related accounts on Twitter XD

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I have being doing some livestreams contributing to elixir projects and some of my side projects on twitch, feel free to follow me there :wink:

I think I will contribute to hex on my next one (probably friday around 17UTC)


Still working on my hobby project. Now looking at adding multi user support

I’ve been working in the addition of functions to the Elixir standard lib that should ease the manipulation of source: Code.string_to_quoted_with_comments/2 and Code.quoted_to_algebra/2. The latter uses the Elixir formatter, so now you could generate formatted source code from any arbitrary ast, and lets you pass a list of comments, so they will be preserved :slight_smile:.

If you want to try them out, they’re already available in Elixir’s master branch.

I hope this will be used by tools like Credo to provide auto-fix functionality, by tools like elixir-ls to provide refactoring tools, and it may even allow for the addition of a mix deps.add task to add dependencies ala npm install without the need to manually edit the mix.exs file :slight_smile:.


Heeeey! An update, I continue doing my open-source and side projects livestreams on twitch. It’s being pretty fun to chat with people and the thing I liked the most was to introduce path autocompletion to IEx. That was my 8th - and 9th, cause I had to add support for windows afterwards :grimacing: - PR to elixir core and I’m pretty happy to get back to contributing to open-source after a sabathical/lazyness period :joy: