What Elixir related stuff are you doing?

I’m creating a movies application using Phoenix, started a couple of days ago and still have a long way to go, but I have learned a lot from this experience :smile:


I’m new to Elixir and am:

  • Following along with the Elixir/Phoenix Udemy course (about to start the Structs section).
  • Working on and off on a small test Phoenix project which provides a very simple API to provide pricing for banners based on material cost and banner area (I used this to try out hosting Phoenix and deploying with releases).
  • Saving the Programming Phoenix and Programming Elixir books that I bought at The Pragmatic Bookshelf for after the Udemy course as I think they’ll require more brain power.
  • Starting the Elixir exercises at Exercism. (Any comments and/or nitpicking appreciated as I’d always like to know when there are things that could be done better.)
  • Thinking about using Phoenix for an upcoming client project or two.
  • Trying to interest a relative in Elixir/Phoenix who also wants to do more programming and work on web projects at his place of work, though we’re wary that the in-house team at his workplace may not react well to a functional language as it’s only used ASP/VBscript up until now.
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At work I’m working on 2 Elixir projects:

  • Proxy in front of an Etcd cluster that keeps audit logs of changes and enforces schema based on a shared JSON schema.
  • Central management UI / system that uses the Etcd cluster and gateway.

At home:

  • I just released an Elixir code generator extension for the Paw HTTP client: Github
  • In my spare time I’m working on an Org mode parser

I am working on some enterprisey stuff, which meant I need to work on money and currencies so I built ex_money And because i wanted to format currency output properly i ended up getting into the world of CLDR and building ex_cldr. Now I’m working on calendars - a combination of calendrical calculations and commercial calendars (like the retail 445 calendar). They’ve all been great learning experiences and when I’ve got calendars sorted out I can move on to my main project :slight_smile:


Developing CoAP - Constrained Application Protocol IOT


Working on a CI book using distillery at https://github.com/minhajuddin/continuous_deployment_for_phoenix_apps


Currently, I’m reading Elixir in Action. I haven’t read the while book but it’s well written goes into all the relevant details.

Then I might start to dive into Phoenix.

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Currently working on a set of real-time communication features, starting with chat, that integrates well with the rest of the Kolab suite. Will be used in conjunction with collaborative office document editing sessions (part of which is also written in Elixir), new meeting features, as well as stand-alone chat. Phoenix Presence and PubSub has just been amazing for this … WebRTC integration will be coming, along with an XMPP bridge.

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  1. forum
  2. learning
  3. developing

and of course fun :smile:


Push notifications (GCM/APNS) service (domestic yet)

and some parts of it went opensource:

  1. https://github.com/madeinussr/exop
  2. https://github.com/madeinussr/dufa
  • A multi-tenant library similar to the apartment gem: https://github.com/promptworks/tenantex (There’s a branch with Ecto 2.1 support)
  • A RESTful, multi-tenant API in the utility space
  • A side project that aggregates data from a lot of sources, rationalizes, dedupes, and pipes into another ‘clean’ database. That database powers a whitelabel-able website that offers local search (elasticsearch) for certain niches of local businesses.

Trying to learn Phoenix. Went through Brandon Richey (@diamondgfx)'s tutorial, and understood most of the stuff as it was presented… but still don’t really feel like I grok it without having to refer to it (or reference material). What other tutorials would you recommend, especially for those coming from the Ruby/Rails world, and not too well versed in Elixir yet?

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  • Reading through Programming Elixir courtesy of this website.
  • Perusing r/elixir-lang r/phoenixframework

All part of my grand plan to become a developer.


I’m reading Elixir in Action and trying to get some practical experience making small projects:

  • Started working on a general-purpose authentication service with role-base access control about a month ago. Made some good progress, but it’s on hold for now. That’s been my only experience so far tinkering with Phoenix, and I liked it a lot.
  • Reimplemented META II (see here) and the ALGOL-inspired VALGOL I language to test it. Later I may go back and implement the VALGOL II compiler as a more in-depth test, although I’m not eager to deal with transcription errors from the original paper (see last few pages).
  • Recently published my first package: a backtracking behaviour called Backtrex. See the Sudoku solver example here. Now I’m looking for ways to improve the package and considering what demo applications to work on next.

Aside from following tutorials I haven’t done much on my own with processes, OTP, GenStage, etc. Excited there’s more to sink my teeth into. :smile:


In November, I just wanted to take a short look on elixir. After that, I can not stop learning.

So far I have

  • read ‘Learning Elixir’ by Kenny Ballou
  • checked in to this forum
  • checked in to exercism.io
  • read ‘Programming Elixir 1.3’ by Dave Thomas
  • coded some experiments and exercises

Next steps

  • read ‘Programming Phoenix’
  • read ‘The Little Elixir & OTP Guidebook’
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I would read Programming Phoenix. The book is really good.

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Currently been working on Blex which is a developer focused blogging platform.


  • Implementing the settings cache
  • Adding admin authentication and roles
  • Tossing up between caching the post content to reduce phoenix render time vs having posts be pre-rendered at creation and just serving the static file.

Would love some feedback on that last point if I could! (Basically, typical SSR with post caching or after someone creates a post, generate the html file and serve that instead (requires regeneration of files tho on things like settings changes etc.)


A post was split to a new topic: Sleeperbot Elixir and React-native app

Might as well Update what I am doing.

  1. Converting software written in c++ and qt gui libraries to Elixir. This is what I have been using since 1999 to manage my own and my team when I have had that to deal with.

  2. Building ElixirGuide been spending and hour sometimes two to build a general guide for doing stuff. Hoping this will be a like a Wiki of sorts for all kinds of Elixir madness.

  3. Figuring out how to best use c++ and c libraries with elixir at performance critical levels (sub 1ms execution and NIFS are out of the question as)


Dirty schedulers or C nodes.