What interactive Livebook guides would you like to see?

Which topics would you most like to see covered in downloadable Livebook guides (like the How to Train Your Scrappy Programmer series I recently launched)?

  • Functions: The Other Data Type
  • From Elixir’s Free Guides to Practical Applications: the LEGO blocks of programming
  • HTTP and APIs
  • Managing State in Elixir
  • Meet the Erlang Standard Library
  • Interactive OTP: practical applications for realistic scenarios
  • Building Deployment Dashboards in Livebook
  • Other: please post details
0 voters

Why I’m asking

In the several months it took me to put the current series together, I learned a ton about what works well in Livebook.

My opinion is that the best content is a kind of tutorial style material that can be built up over time. This really plays to breaking up the code blocks with prose but still having them interact with what came before. It’s also great for folks who don’t yet know Elixir well and are leaning on the live evaluations to gain understanding.

Material that lends itself to visualizations, interactions, or animations also plays to Livebook’s strengths. It’s great to be able to run some code, observe the results, tweak, and rerun.

I hope to make several more Livebook guides and I welcome all the feedback you have about what you would like to see.

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Have any you voting for Interactive OTP read Elixir Patterns? It comes with some Livebooks. I would love to hear what you didn’t find in there and would still love to see.