What is a good way to send large data sets to a client through API requests?

Hello guys,
What is a good way to send large data sets to a client through API requests?
like i want to send user_login_history log to mixpanel
example :
like I have 50k login history in my table and i have to send this much data to service that i am using for my

please explain, and write code for the same

like how should i write paginator code so the 50k rows data can be sent in 1k iteration, sending 50 row in on iteration, please help me with code

Generally, if you show what you’ve tried people are more likely/able to give advice. This is not typically a code writing service :wink:.

Hint: search hexdocs.com/elixir for chunk


Show us what have you tried, please.

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i am trying to do like this

query = from(p in UserLoginLog, order_by: [asc: p.inserted_at, asc: p.id])
page = MyApp.Repo.paginate(query, cursor_fields: [:inserted_at, :id], limit: 50)

after this i will push each page data to mixpanel after Jason.encode(page1) i am thinking like this
if i am on right track than guide me after getting page how can i push each page data one by one, it is there i am confused, how pagination work

Have you looked at Repo.stream?

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