What kind of server/infrastructure are your Elixir apps hosted on?

I use gigalixir.com, but I’m the founder so most likely biased :slight_smile: happy to answer any questions about it.


We use nanobox.io. Nanobox is like Heroku but for any cloud provider. Works brilliantly. Hosted on Digital Ocean.

Highly recommended.

Nanobox takes care of Postgres set up, permanent disk, load balancing, etc.

For sure check it out.


Dedicated Server with Dokku.

CI and deployment based on simple git push to proper branch on github (master or staging/test etc).

git push -> CI runs tests and if ok then pushes to dokku on dedicated server (depending on branch)

If you push to staging there is automatically workflow launch on CI and deployment to staging/test server.
If you do merge on github from staging to master there is automatically workflow launch on CI and deployment to production.

For CI I uses CircleCi.


I would be interested to know which apps and companies are using your service I’m not seeing anything on the home page which makes question the service?

I am using Nanobox.io as well, on Linode VPS’s.

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This seems like a somewhat cynical(?) view of things. Not that I absolutely hate services that show some of their users, but I definitely think it’s a breath of fresh air to not see the usual lineup of companies that apparently use every service known to man (Adobe, Facebook, who else?) plastered all over the front page (or at all).

To some extent I think people care too much about what other people use. We all know Elixir and Erlang would lose handily in this area to tons of more badly suited languages for the things that you should use the BEAM for.

Gigalixir has a free tier, so why not just try it out to see what’s up?


I don’t really care about the companies but I’m looking for testimonials and to see that people are using it, unfortunately I have used other PaaS in other tech i.e. meteor that just disappeared or starting doing something different.

Also the website is just one page and does not cover anything or go into detail.

For more details, take a look at https://gigalixir.readthedocs.io/

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I am working with Nixos now, although not yet with elixir. so far I really like it.

I am going to try some elixir/phoenix experiments soon. I don’t see any reason why it won’t be a good match.

Nanobox.io + digital ocean. Works great!

K8s with Rancher 2.0 on Digital Ocean

Previously: Dokku + Digitalocean

whoa, I just tried nanobox out and had something in production in like 30 minutes - I was already using digital ocean so it was surprisingly easy to get started. I hope it stays that level of easy for clustering and everything else I want!

GKE after many years on AWS

VPS - digitalocean.


https://appdoctor.io is hosted on digitalocean

3 servers that talk to each other via messages behind private network.
1 loadbalancer to front requests back to those servers.
3 servers for read-write/read database failover(postgresql).
spaces for publishing artifacts created by distillery.
codeship to run builds and push artifacts.
Deployment script runs hot updates on those servers(has surprisingly been pretty painless and in my case super helpful contrary to most conversation about the subject)


How do you like GKE experience in comparinson to AWS?

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GitHub -> CodePipeline -> CodeBuild -> CodeDeploy -> EC2.

Works really well.

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I host ex338 on Heroku.

I’ve also used Gigalixir for some other projects and like it as well.

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