What would you like to create with Nerves?

After about a year of spare-time hacking, I finally have an update to my library to reply to you. :sweat_smile:
I think this would be a great tool that you could use to set up a bunch of NeoPixel strips or grids, in whatever arrangement you want for a music installation, and use the drawing commands to create whatever kind of visualization you want across all of them as a virtual screen. The strips come in various “densities” from 30 LEDs/meter to 144 LEDs/meter, with the obvious cost implications. :grimacing: You can also get them already arranged in a grid.

It would also make for a pretty amazing computerized Christmas light platform. :heart_eyes_cat: /cc @ConnorRigby

You’d need to get a nice power supply to power the LEDs themselves, but the controller itself would just be a Raspberry Pi Zero running a Nerves firmware, so you could generate the visualizations using whatever means can imagine (Phoenix Channels to feed data from some other device, etc.).