Any other resources/roadmaps/presentations that people in the know could share?
Same thing for Elixir. I hear that a major theme for Elixir 1.7 is easier production deployment support/tooling, but I could be wrong. Does anyone have anything more authoritative?
For the Elixir part, there is this presentation from @josevalim at the last Elixir conf EU. It’s about code formatter and property based testing, both will be included in release 1.6 and 1.7.
For the deployment part, @bitwalker is presenting the roadmap here.
Also, not strictly linked to anything official - but I can’t wait for PragDave’s next course. He gave us a really good glimpse of what’s possible with how we go about architecting our Elixir apps in his first course, and I think once he expands on that in his second course a l o t of people are going to jump aboard. I really do think this could be huge for Elixir - his approach is radical, smart and really really exciting!
Got me up and running with the latest OTP build. Similar steps are typically required for Elixir.
kiex install 1.6.4
kiex use 1.6.4 --default
Do note, that I had trouble with Elixir 1.6.4 and OTP 21.0-rc1. The changes made to OTP’s Logger appear to make Elixir angry. Still, when there is a new Elixir build available that better supports OTP 21, kiex has your back (I also hear good things about asdf).
Another alternative is to check out the Erlang conferences, used to be called EUC and Erlang Factory, now called Code BEAM as there is usually a talk by someone from the OTP team telling what is in the pipeline.
This seems to work well. I had been using Nifsy to access named pipes. Now the native File APIs work just fine (better even, since I was able to crash Nifsy from time to time).
Can we get a pull-based Port output mechanism now? Give me that and I won’t need to use named pipes to back-pressure process output.
Monitoring performance of elixir packages with elixir bench
Elixir bindings for BarrelDB
MySQL driver for ecto
automate generation of StreamData denerators from type specs (if I understood correctly)
@AstonJ I’m usually not a fan of video courses, but I love PragDave (can anyone guess where my name comes from? ) and with such a glowing recommendation from you I might give it a shot.
@CptnKirk asdf is great, my only version manager for 1.5 years on 3 different machines.
It’s worth many more times it’s current price tag, but I persuaded Dave to drop the price to $30 to make it as accessible as possible and ‘too good to miss’. I reckon every Elixir developer should watch it - I really did love it that much… and I think you will too!
That’s great. Especially the 30$ price tag. For that amount of content I feel like people often take 100$+ - 30$ is much easier for me to spend as it’s basically a book
21.0-rc2 is out. Has been for a little while and I hadn’t noticed. Would be nice if the OTP blog would call these things out. I don’t have a good what’s new list, but it does look like the efficiency guide has been updated to remove some binary obsolete optimization quirks. Seems binary support got better.
I’m happy to see the rewritten file driver. While trying to run phoenix using a unix socket, I found sendfile was unsupported, but is now working in OTP 21.