When learning, what order of books did you start with?

I agreed. Elixir in Action is a better book and very well written.

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+1 [quote=ā€œbklau, post:21, topic:431ā€]
Elixir in Action is a better book and very well written.
much better written

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I started with Programming Elixir 1.2 and now going through Programming Phoenix. I have a copy of Elixir in Action which I will read soon but wanted to ā€œmakeā€ stuff with Phoenix first if that makes sense. Keeps me motivated to have stuff to look at that I made in the browser.

Iā€™m eyeing The Little Elixir & OTP Guidebook now that itā€™s nearing completion. I find it hard to learn OTP because Iā€™m newish to backend web dev in general so I donā€™t have much to compare it to so itā€™s a bit harder to see why itā€™s ā€œbetterā€.


Anyone read Programming Erlang by Joe Armstrong? Iā€™ve just ordered it, the main reason I went with it is to really understand Erlang and therefore Elixir.


Programming Elixir, after that Learn You Some Erlang.
Also looking forward to get Programming Phoenix when itā€™s out and gonna be on sale :slight_smile:


Not yet but itā€™s on my wish-list - please let us know what you think of it :slight_smile:


Will do. Looking forward to read something written by Joe Armstrong.


Me too.

I would love to see a book about Elixir & Erlang from @rvirding too - whaddya say Robert? I reckon it would be a best-seller :003:


Yes. I enjoyed it very much. Joe has a fun writing style and explains concepts clearly.


No, sorry. Me and writing books donā€™t go together. It would never be finished. It is bad enough trying to write blogs. I need to get worked up for that to happen, and I usually manage to say something which annoys people. :smile:


I did. In my opinion the second edition of this book is the first one to read in order to start learning Erlang or Elixir.


Itā€™s been some time since this thread was posted in and so as more people will have read more books, Iā€™m wondering whether more of you can add your thoughts to this thread - perhaps a pattern will emerge that might help those new to Elixir :slight_smile:

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In terms of Erlang books, Iā€™d definitely recommend Joe Armstrongā€™s ā€œProgramming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent Worldā€. In particular, I got alot out of these chapters:
Part III ā€” Concurrent and Distributed Programs
Part IV ā€” Programming Libraries and Frameworks
Part V ā€” Building Applications

There are differences between Elixir, but I found the basic concepts/mechanisms regarding concurrency and distributed computing to be relatively the same.

Plus Joe Armstrong is an excellent writer. His blog at http://joearms.github.io/ is worth checking out.


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iā€™m halfway through the Programming Elixir 1.3. I want to build a web app from scratch using elixir and phoenix.
What books, in what order, should I read to do that ?

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If You are interested in the web, maybe Programming Phoenix is the book for You.

There is a new release coming soon, covering the latest version, but I donā€™t know whenā€¦

One day or another, You will meet OTP. Then You will need a good sip of Elixir.

You will maybe find useful to learn Erlang, because it is the root of allā€¦ Like learning latin to understand how italian language was built upon.


Is this order good ?
I thought about this one :

  1. Progamming Elixir
  2. Elixir in Action
  3. The little Elixir & OTP Guidebook
  4. Designing for Scalability with Erlang/OTP
  5. And finally Programming Phoenix

Sounds good!

This is what Iā€™ve done so far (see my reviews in their respective threads too):

50% Programming Elixir
100% Elixir in Action
Remaining 50% Programming Elixir
PragDaveā€™s online course
Currently going through the Phoenix Guides while waiting for Programming Phoenix 1.3 to be updated :slight_smile:

I highly recommend everything I have read and done so far - not regretted any of it :003:


I consider building complex projects so for me OTP is important. This is why I want to go deep in it by reading
3. The little Elixir & OTP Guidebook
4. Designing for Scalability with Erlang/OTP

This why i Want the opinion of someone who read those two books.


Elixir in Action did a great job imo. He actually walks you through building a server from scratch before moving on to Genservers. - which I found really helpful in understanding them.

Iā€™ve got the Little Elixir & OTP Guidebook and hope to get to it at some point :003: