Where can I learn distributed Erlang and Elixir?

I want to learn various distributed stuff we can do with erlang, otp and elixir.
Where can i Start?/
like multi_call ,.etc.Various distributed algos?
Basically from beginner to advanced?

What sort of learner are you? For example I am a VK (visual-kinaesthetic) learner. I learn best by reading then doing. Podcasts (and to lesser extent video tutorials) don’t do it for me.

The good starting point for OTP is still:

That would get you going. A good overview book on the various aspects to distributed stuff is “Understanding Distributed Systems” by Roberto Vitillo.

Of course, ESL (Erlang & Elixir Training - Erlang Solutions) is always happy to provide training courses.


My favorite book on this subject is Designing for Scalability with Erlang/OTP by Francesco Cesarini.


Good intro is in Sasa’s Juric Elixir in Action 3rd edition, chapter on Building a distributed system: