I know I’ve seen this answered somewhere before in some other topic, but where can I see which version of Oban Pro I have installed? For instance, I want to use structured jobs as advertised here: Pro Worker — Oban v2.11.0
But my mix.exs states I’m using version 1.4.12… there is no such page in the docs – https://hexdocs.pm/oban/1.4.12/ does not exist. What version of Oban Pro am I actually running and how can I tell that? I understand there is some complication here because something something something pro version, but it ultimately means I can’t find the proper docs.
Can someone clarify this for future reference? TIA!
Since Oban v2.12 (2022-04), the Pro docs have been hosted on the Oban Pro site. That’s allowed us to drastically improve the docs with module docs, guides, type specs, and publish versions independently.
Thanks. The docs may be improved, but folks like me continuously forget where to find them because it’s different than any other Elixir package. So if there’s any way to reduce the friction in that handoff, I myself (and people like me) would appreciate it.