Thank you too!
nice solution, thank’s!
please tell me what you did, already installed as dependencies(npm i @fortawesome/fontawesome-free) on assets, already copied the css styles it has in assetes / css, but none of the icons appear, it doesn’t work
Did anyone end up taking this Chirp repo and add the upload to S3 that Chris did in Phoenix LiveView Uploads Deep Dive - YouTube ?
How did you get this to work withing the context of Chirp? I can’t seem to get it to behave properly.
In case anyone is interested in a remix (cover?) of Chris’ Chirp video demo, I did one using Plover stenography, which you can find here. The goal in doing this was to show the possibilities of coding with steno, so I’m just riding off Chris’ coat-tails in the hopes of introducing devs to steno and coding to stenographers.
The end result is in a repo here (just the code; you don’t need to care about steno to use it as a reference).