Which approach is better having multiple `handle_call` callbacks when using `GenServer` behavior or using helper functions?

I have a module where am using GenServer. In this module the state is a list of items. The module exposes functions to filter these items according to various criteria.
My question is what is the best approach to solving this task. Would it be better to:

  1. Add multiple handle_call callbacks for each filter criterion.
  2. Use the list_items functions and then filter its return value using multiple helper functions instead of the multiple handle_call callbacks.

Here is a simple implementation of the first approach:

defmodule Repositories do
  use GenServer
 ## API
  def start_link(_opts) do
    .GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, :ok)

  def list_items(pid) do
    GenServer.call(pid, :list_items)

  def filter_by_name(pid, repo_name) do
   GenServer.call(pid, {:filter_by_name, repo_name})
  # Other APIs here for filtering by other criteria

  ## Server
  def init(:ok) do
    initial_repos = #Fetch initial repos.
    {:ok, initial_repos}

 def handle_call({:filter_by_name, repo_name}, _from, state) do
   matching_repos = Enum.filter(state, fn repo -> String.equivalent?(repo.name, repo_name) end)

   {:reply, matching_repos, state}

  def handle_call(:list_items, _from, state) do
    {:reply, state, state}

  # Other callbacks here for handling calls to filter by the other various criteria

Here is a simple implementation of the second approach:

defmodule Repositories do
  use GenServer
 ## API
  def start_link(_opts) do
    .GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, :ok)

  def list_items(pid) do
    GenServer.call(pid, :list_items)

  def filter_by_name(pid, repo_name) do
   |> list_items()
   |> Enum.filter(fn repo -> has_name?(repo.name, repo_name) end)
  # Other APIs here for filtering by other criteria

  ## Server
  def init(:ok) do
    initial_repos = #Fetch initial repos.
    {:ok, initial_repos}

  def handle_call(:list_items, _from, state) do
    {:reply, state, state}

  ## Helper functions
  def has_name?(actual_name, repo_name) do
    String.equivalent?(actual_name, repo_name)
  # Other  helper functions to perform filtering by other criteria

Which approach is more favored in the elixir community?

I think this is more about your requirements than the favoured approach.

In the first case, the filtering is happening in the GenServer’s process. In the second case, the filtering is done in the client process. In most of the cases, the second one is preferred. If you have just a few of the Repositiories processes, then definitely offloading the work to the clients is the way to go.

The data structure you return from handle_call is copied back to the calling process. If state is large, this will make the second approach significantly more expensive to execute.

A third approach worth considering: have one handle_call that accepts a filter function:

def filter_by_name(pid, repo_name) do
  list_items(pid, fn repo -> has_name?(repo.name, repo_name) end)

def list_items(pid, filter \\ fn x -> x end) do
  GenServer.call(pid, {:list_items, filter})

def handle_call({:list_items, filter}, from, state) do
  {:reply, Enum.filter(state, filter), state}

This avoids copying state to the calling process by instead bringing filter to the data.