Which Elixir version manager are you using? (Poll)

No formal blog posts (yet) as I burnt myself out on blogging last year, but I do have some verbose participation on our local Nix vs ASDF thread here, two Reddit posts here and here, and an org-mode/org-reveal outline for a lightning-ish talk I gave at work a few years ago here, though Elixir is only mentioned briefly in passing.

Today I’m down to 4 packages installed via Homebrew that I haven’t packaged for Nix myself yet, but with 115 (at work) / 145 (at home) Nix packages provided in my home-manager profile. I install PostgreSQL 10.x or 11.x via nix-darwin, and use an overlay to provide the matrix of Erlang/Elixir versions I used to manage with asdf. I dabble infrequently with nixops and currently build my own Docker base images with Nix as well. Honestly, shell.nix and direnv are the real MVPs, though, as the latter has first-class Nix support. The last piece of language-agnostic Nix tooling I really like is lorri.

Hope that gives anyone curious something to chew on!