Which existing open source projects would benefit Elixir the most from extra dev effort?

@dimitarvp I’m not sure exactly if this is what you are looking for, but a similar feature is finding its way into ExUnit: https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/pull/8002

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Makeup (my “port” of pygments, now used by ExDoc) could use some new lexers (I haven’t had much time to work on it now). As of now, ExDoc doesn’t support lexers for languages other than Elixir, but that will change soon, when I implement automatic lexer discovery at app startup time.


ExSync is great! Can really speed up development. Makes development with Elixir super convenient.

I just got a pull request accepted for it that improves it so it also listens to changes to local dependencies (eg. any dependencies you have mix deps set to reference by :path or :in_umbrella).

I also put it in my phoenix app and it works for things the phoenix reloader doesn’t catch.


2nd for arc

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Whats the differences, if any, between exsync and cortex?

exsync just does reloading and so forth.

cortex does reloading as well as testing and other things (I hope it gets some updates soon!)

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Can you give several examples? What has been tripping you up and you wished there was tooling for it?

phauxth might also benefit from some help. It’s the best authentication/authorization solution so far for me, more intuitive/flexible than coherence. The author seems to be really busy recently.

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I just posted on Looking for open source project to help / learn on without looking at the date of the thread. Sorry for the duplicate !

If you want to work on something else than a framework or a library, we are running a non-profit website which allow people to fact-check collaboratively and in real-time the statements made in a YouTube video or in a live stream. You can check it here: CaptainFact.

It is bound to a browser extension that embeds the sources and verifications of the community directly on YouTube:

We mostly have French contents for now but others communities are more than welcome :wink:

You recently open-sourced all our source-code and though we may still need to improve the documentation and contributing guides, be sure that you will have all our support if you ever want to participate.

Source code is available on https://github.com/CaptainFact/captain-fact-api and issues already include pending features.

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