Frameworks like bootstrap and foundation technology like elm and coffeescript. There are so many, does the Elixir community favor anything in particular?
Well Phoenix comes with Bootstrap by default, so I think that will be the most common answer along with HTML/CSS/Javascript.
I’m very interested in Elm. I never really liked the HTML/CSS/JS combo and I think it’s about time new technologies appeared (I’ve got a personal vendetta against JS).
I’m interested in checking out Elm… also full stack frameworks that abstract the JS step… something like Opal or Volt.
I am interested in Elm and ClojureScript/Om, but I have tried neither
I am like @sashaafm in my hatred for JavaScript. Soon we will have WebAssembly, and programming in a higher-level (functional!) language will be the obvious way to go.
Just recently switched to elm. Javascript is such messy language. used to use react and ember. Now I have only eyes for elm.
We started to use Foundation at work but I really like the look of the family.
With regards to my Elixir and Phoenix apps I would love to use Elm, but if not I would prefer Foundation over Bootstrap any day of the week.
If I was to do any large projects in Ruby, I would look at Opal tech.
Please blog (or post a thread) about this! I’d be interested in hearing what you think and why the change is more to your liking.
Have you started using WebAssembly? Do you have any recommendations to where to learn it?
No, I haven’t. It looks like you can compile C and C++ to WebAssembly, but it’s still experimental at this stage. There is a long write-up on its status and implications on Medium: What Is WebAssembly: The Dawn of a New Era
In the future, Ideally we can write Elixir code that targets WebAssembly.
There is also
I think that WebAssmbly is low level well suited for cross compiles rather than programmers.
I’m quite fresh to Elixir / Phoenix, but for now my answer would be Ember (I’ve used it for a few mobile applications with Qt for native support on mobile / desktop). I like how the code is organized when using ember-cli, I’m ok with performance and I find it quite fun to work with. I often set it up with coffeescript (you can use ES6) / sass.
I’ve read a lot of good stuff about Angular, didn’t like the React nor Bootstrap. Elm / ClojureScript might be fun, but I don’t know about any frameworks (I’m sure some exists out there). I’ve also read Angular might go native (as ReactNative does) so another good argument to learn those
I don’t like Angular 1. Is to complicated for me. I heard to learn Angular 1 you must dig into source code if you have problems. Angualr 1 can be very slow and you can mess up very badly. Suppose if you like Angular you should check Angular 2.
But if you really want to program UI in modern reactive way you should check Elm, Pure Script or Clojure Script
I like Elm very much as far I hate javascript with all my heart (Even ES6 can’t match Elm or Pure Script)
Pure React. There more you use it the more addictive it becomes!
After a while building reusable, beautiful components becomes a hobby in itself. If you foresee your project is going to grow and you like structure it is the way to go.
Tried Bootstrap, it has a lot of baggage… And feels too fiddly.
@World_Reactor if you like React check.
And you know that React Redux was inspired by Elm Architecture?
I use ember.js
with Phoenix. They communicate through the json-api
I find react/redux is a great fit with elixir functionnal paradigm.
I think the natural progression for the Phoenix/Elixir community will be to embrace something like Elm - a functional front end language. Elm is great and it has the best debugger I’ve personally ever seen. I think that Elm currently lacks fully featured applications, but in time, I see people catching on. The entire HTML/CSS/JS frontend ecosystem is insane, and the amount of tools and task runners used and needed to even do simple things is just out of control. I mostly do frontend work, but this giant mess of frontend crap is what has ultimately lead me to search for new solutions, namely Elixir and Elm.
Give Elm a try - it’s worth it.
What kind of apps are you developing that leads you to use a framework like elm, react, ember, … after all?
I really like react and redux and have been playing with elm and clojurescript.
For css styling, I’ve used Stylus, which I really like, and it’s easy to set up with brunch.