I’m trying to unquote multiple blocks of code dynamically depending on the include option passed when use is called. When I try to map over the handlers, and pass an anonymous function, I’m getting the error that fun doesn’t exist when unquote(fun)() is called. Not sure what I’m doing wrong as this is the first time I’m making use of this kind of macro voodoo.
defmodule AppWeb.EventHandlers do
@handlers [timers: :handle_global_update]
defmacro __using__([include: :all] = _opts) do
included_handlers = @handlers
quote do
Enum.map(unquote(included_handlers), fn {_key, fun} ->
defp handle_global_update() do
quote do
Thank you! Now that I’ve unquoted the fun value like that, I’m getting undefined function handle_global_update/0 for all Live Views which have it included. Seems like this is happening because it’s trying to compile the call to handle_global_update everywhere it’s used instead of taking the quoted expression before compilation.
handle_global_updates is defined in your EventHandlers module, not the modules using it. You need to either import the function or define the call fully qualified as EventHandlers.handle_global_updates().