Why tries to call rc_exec.sh of previous release?

I have deployed release: 0.1.1, then I did:

mix edeliver build release --increment-version=minor
mix edeliver deploy release to production --verbose
mix edeliver start production

that has build 0.2.0 and deployed it successfully, but I get this error when start production:

response: /home/deploy/apps/ngspice_proxy/bin/ngspice_proxy_rc_exec.sh: line 45: /home/deploy/apps/ngspice_proxy/releases/0.1.1/ngspice_proxy.sh: No such file or directory
/home/deploy/apps/ngspice_proxy/bin/ngspice_proxy_rc_exec.sh: line 45: /home/deploy/apps/ngspice_proxy/releases/0.1.1/ngspice_proxy.sh: No such file or directory
/home/deploy/apps/ngspice_proxy/bin/ngspice_proxy_rc_exec.sh: line 45: /home/deploy/apps/ngspice_proxy/releases/0.1.1/ngspice_proxy.sh: No such file or directory
/home/deploy/apps/ngspice_proxy/bin/ngspice_proxy_rc_exec.sh: line 45: /home/deploy/apps/ngspice_proxy/releases/0.1.1/ngspice_proxy.sh: No such file or directory

however, at server, only 0.2.0 directory is there, (0.1.1 was deleted when I deployed 0.2.0)

$ ls
0.2.0  ngspice_proxy.rel  RELEASES  start_erl.data

so, why edeliver will attempt to start the previous release?

did you find a fix for this? I am getting a similar issue.

Sorry for the late reply, but if this helps anyone else, it’s because there’s a version of the rc_exec file getting written to your /var directory.

You can add this to your .deliver/config file to get around it:

post_extract_release_archive() {
  status "Removing start_erl.data"
  __remote "
    cd /your/release/dir/var $SILENCE
    rm start_erl.data

More details here: