You’re correct. timestamp
columns are actually better for ecto (alone) as with timestamptz
postgres will try to convert the timestamp to the clients timezone on its own. While for timestamp
you can be sure postgres just leaves timestamps as is, with ecto handling all the timezone stuff at runtime using the settings/timezone db of elixir.
does store timestamps as UTC datetimes – that’s true. But that’s only “accidental” because it’s using NaiveDateTime.utc_now()
to generate timestamps. If you manually set such fields to a different naive datetime you build from another timezone there’s no way for ecto to detect that. NaiveDateTime structs just don’t have a timezone component, which is the reason why they’re called naive.
For utc_datetime
ecto will enforce that any saved datetime uses the Etc/UTC
timezone. It’ll error otherwise. If you query the record you’ll also get back only datetimes with tthe timezone set to UTC. So the fact that datetimes use UTC changed from being implicit and prone to error with naive_datetime
to explicit and enforced at runtime with utc_datetime