With Phoenix LiveView, do we get server side rendering for free?

One of the pain points of building SPAs is that server side rendering isn’t free. There are workarounds but they all feel wonky and pretty bad to me. None really gel together into a cohesive solution personally.

With Phoenix Live, do we get the benefits of real time clientside updates, with server side rendered templates as well?

I haven’t played with it yet, but is there a way to have client-side navigation using phoenix live - kind of what Turbolinks does in rails-land?

This is useful for 2 special cases:

  1. You do not want to work in multiple languages (Elixir + JavaScript)
  2. You expect to have really slow clients

For example if your project assumes really good client ↔ server connection then most likely most of clients would not use Celeron processors.

With Phoenix Live, do we get the benefits of real time clientside updates, with server side rendered templates as well?

Seems like we do get real time updates via socket but the server side is manipulating the javascript DOM which the client side takes to render.

I think, I may be wrong, but we can have real time server side rendering already via socket no? LiveView is just a way to manipulate DOM on the server side and push those changes to client side. I believe the client side, the browser, still have to render those DOM changes.